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The Forest of Pines

  A northern forest of immensive pine trees and huge beasts. The Forest of Pines is a breathtaking sight to those from afar, but a haunting expanse of giants to those within it's bounds. The conciousness of the forest cares for all that call it home, offering protection, peace, and beauty, but to those that are threats, the trees offer violent defences and coordinated attacks from the beasts within it.   To the west of the forest, the Guardian Key makes her home. She is a huge dragon like mammal, with large feathered wings, a wolflife head, and impressive horns. Key is responcible for maintaining the balance between the dragons, who make their homes in the mountains that border the pines, and the rest of Rhye - ensuring they have enough to hunt and entertain them without turning to hunting elves.   Those that live here are a primative group of like-minded elves with strong family bonds and a great respect for the magic and nature around them. They have struggled with being the target of slavers, and have responded by cutting themselves off from the rest of the kingdom, the woods themselves providing a thorny wall of spikes and vines that only part for those of Pines elf blood.
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