Misbelle Skrove

The Maiden of Invention

Divine Domains

Invention, the Grave, Change, Decay.

Tenets of Faith

  1. Create things to fix people.
  2. Do not interrupt an inventor.
  3. Anything can be improved with new parts, including people.
  4. Only use the most exotic components.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

It is believed that Misbelle strives to invent a better world entirely. Her creations are abominations, aberrations, and other things that would give nightmares to the men and women of the world. The Maiden of Invention cares for nothing other than her designs. She casts away old things and strives to make other things that are 'better'. This has led to the invention of a number of creatures, objects, and tools that still roam the world to this day. A few examples are:
  • Aboleths, immortal deep water-dwelling beings obsessed with forgotten knowledge
  • ...
Divine Classification
Titan of Invention
Current Location
Thin scrutinizing eyes with deep purple twisting irises.
Raven black long dreadful hair that slithers along her back as she moves.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white skin that sheds a lime green and purple swirling smoke when working on an invention.
36 feet tall
Slender with some impossibly thin features.
Ruled Locations


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