Modair Fodair

The Absent Parent

Known as the mother and father to outsiders, Modair Fodair instills in its followers the beliefs that they are capable of accomplishing anything. Those that follow Modair Fodair find themselves instilled with the vigor of youth, hopeful outlooks, and goals to accomplish. However, if they fail to accomplish those goals, they are quickly reminded that they are old, aging, and passed the prime of their life. Even if they are only 15 years old.

Divine Domains

  • Psychics
  • Trickery
  • Strategy
  • Deception

Tenets of Faith

  1. Be your own person.
  2. Believe you can do anything.
  3. Fulfill your own destiny.
  4. Prepare the young ones to take your place.
Divine Classification
Current Location

Modair, Absent Mother

Modair, The Dream

Modair, The Nightmare

Fodair, Absent Father

Fodair, The King

Fodair, The Enforcer


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