
[[Work in progress.]]   The lands of Mesh were always a mystical place. Tales tell of a time long before when Mesh was the home of thousands of fairies, sprites, dryads, eladrin, spriggans, the seelie, and the unseelie. Now that those times are long passed, remnants of their enchanting magic remain in the lands as the fuel that drives the United Kingdom of Mesh.   "Never underestimate a child's imagination." - Robertus Cornelius, Grand Curator of the Fortosian Empire   The latent magical energy that washes over the lands of Mesh has strange effects on many that enter its lands, but the eeriest effects are on children. The lands of Mesh, coupled with the gifts bestowed by Modair Fodair, grant the children of Mesh everything they need in order to live without the care of adults. As babies are born, the magical energies of Mesh wash over them, granting them the ability to create things simply with their imagination.


For this reason, newborn babies and infants are the most precious and magical beings to the Kingdom of Mesh, as their imaginations are completely unlimited. New babies are known to create auroras in the sky, permanent works of great abstract art, and creations so beautiful and alien that no other child in Mesh comprehends them. In the various kingdoms and strongholds within Mesh, babies are held to the highest regard. Known as those that rule the kings, babies are protected by all in the community.  


As babies age, they begin to fall into the confines of organized thought. Children focus their imaginations and learn how to problem-solve with their ability to change the world at their fingertips. Any real problem that the small children encounter is quickly solved before they even find themselves getting upset. Most of the time arguments and tempers are resolved with good food, warmth, and something fun to play with. All of these things usually conjured by the child that thinks of it first.


Mesh is coursing with rivers that sprawl across the landscape. This comes coupled with hills and valleys, but also lots of freshwater fish and the ability to run barges up and down the riverbanks. It is not uncommon to see water-powered grain mills along the riversides with children and fairies working alongside one another.

Natural Resources

Mesh's resources are numerous, but spread thin. Part of the reason that the various kingdoms exist in the formation they do is due to the distribution of resources within the land.

There are thick forests that sprawl across the hills in southwestern Mesh. Meanwhile, on the easter side of southern Mesh, the land provides ample ground for lots of livestock to roam freely. Hunting and gathering in those regions are both very bountiful. One of the major exotic goods that the Kingdoms of Mesh have found is a dye that applies the color that you're thinking of when added to a textile or paint base. This dye is cultivated by a small tribe of children that live outside of the kingdom walls, although they frequently travel into the city to trade and barter with those inside.


Choose 2: Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Charisma
Add +2 to one of those chosen stats, and +1 to the other chosen stat.

Feature: Bright Child
This feature grants you the following benefits:
  • You gain advantage on skill checks used when talking with children.
  • You learn the prestidigitation cantrip, and charisma is your spellcasting stat for the purposes of casting this spell.


  • Mesh
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