Olmerin Zhormina

Grandmaster of the TSO (a.k.a. Grandmaster Oz)

Once again, not much is known about the leadership of the True Students of Oculus. Here is a compilation of information gathered about their Grandmaster by our organization.

Personality Characteristics

Virtues & Personality perks

Grandmaster Oz is truly committed to seeking out knowledge and providing it to Oculus. Some speculate that his main reason for doing this is to gain favor from Oculus so that he may learn the secrets of the afterlife because he wants to bring his dead grandmother back, the secrets of planar travel so he can go to the plane of winterberries, or even to ask Oculus what his favorite pie flavor is. None of these rumors have any true ground to stand on, as they have been shared with our organization by a single source.   Gilbraxious Namfoodl's Note: How could they even tell? I sent it on three different sheets of parchment!


Gilbraxious Namfoodl's Note: Oz's clothes always smell like they missed wash day a few times.
Current Location
Aligned Organization

This article was written by the Coalition Of Observable Transparency Scholars on the 13th of Silence, 134 TE. Annotations provided by Gilbraxious Namfoodl at the dismay of the COOTS organization.


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