The Church of Sabrael

The church of Sabrael is a very powerful organization in the land of Jhorterra.

Tenets of Faith

The core tenets are:
  1. Run from stagnation, be versatile in your innovation.
  2. Innovate yourself before you try to improve others.
  3. Keep orderly, do not sew chaos.
  4. Repairing broken things improves us.
  5. Hold true to the laws of Sabrael.
  6. Love those that seek improvement, flee from those that seek gluttony and sloth.


Technological sculptures and other creations that require various degrees of innovation are often presented as offerings to Sabrael by various means. Primarily, tinkerers and craftspeople will take a pilgrimage to Heisedeier to go to the center of innovation to present their offering to her personally. To be recognized by Sabrael for your innovations grants you an opportunity to continue your craft through the employ of the church.

Her will innovates us.

Religious, Holy Order
Permeated Organizations
Controlled Territories


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