Sabrael Isda

The Mother of Innovation

Divine Domains

Sabrael's primary domain is the forge, however she is also served by many of the life, light, and fire domain serving clerics. As the Mother of Innovation, she tends to have influence over domains that would nurture or improve something. This is why primarily she presides over the domain of the forge, as she is always working to forge mortals into something more than a simple existence.


Sabrael is one of the most prolific creator of artifacts, and has crafted and distributed at least a hundred different artifacts that have been recorded. One such artifact was the edge of the titanblade that Praetec used to fight the Red King. Many mortal artifacts have been created by her as well, usually out of some kind of good will for those wishing to truly innovate themselves.

Holy Books & Codes

Sabrael provides texts to the mortal races in the form of the "Library of Definitions Needed for Existence".

Tenets of Faith

Her core tenets are:
  1. Run from stagnation, be versatile in your innovation.
  2. Innovate yourself before you try to improve others.
  3. Keep orderly, do not sew chaos.
  4. Repairing broken things improves us.
  5. Hold true to the laws of Sabrael.
  6. Love those that seek improvement, flee from those that seek gluttony and sloth.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

She seeks to eventually innovate her sister into a being befitting of her potential.
Divine Classification
Ruled Locations

Sabrael Isda, Mother of Innovation

Sabrael Isda, Radiant Titan

Sabrael Isda, Angel of War


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