
Stotfield is the home territory of the Titan called Sabrael Isda, Mother of Innovation. On the southern half of the continent of Jhorterra, the climate is relatively cool and temperate. The winter months get to be snowy. Only the most southern tips of the country become truly frozen during the winter months. Towns are scattered about Stotfield, but not littered all over as Sabrael promotes the improvement upon your past creations and achievements. This has led the people of Stotfield to truly build their homes with care and diligence.


Stotfield has a number of major geographical features, but strategically they have held the borders of some of the northeastern mountain ranges. Most of the coastline is usable, however the southern coast has a number of treacherous features for long term voyages. For this reason, trade between the west and east halves of Stotfield had been exceptionally difficult during the time before the Twilit Era.

Localized Phenomena

The regions closest to the mountain ranges nearing Ayashou and Cha'Thron are known to have regular magical phenomena. This sometimes occurs as the conjuration of a horde of monsters, and as such most of the north eastern towns have some form of walls and other defensive implements to help stave off the hordes.


  • Stotfield
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