Agrian Purists

The Agrian Purists are one of two extremist factions in the theocratic expansionist confederation of nations in the Shardscape realm of Rhaddin's Rest known as the Agrian League. Like other member states, those that belong to the Agrian Purist faction are majority-Vastaya theocratic, authoritarian monarchies, but where other member states might tolerate the presence of sympathetic members of other races, the Agrian Purists advocate for a policy of racial purity for all member states of the League.   This stance stems from the belief that the Vastaya are distantly descended from the Astarian vitian of the Astarum and that as such, they are inherently superior to all other mortal races. Furthermore, the Agrian Purists believe that only the Vastaya are deserving of the attention, favor, and light of the Astarum—that lesser races pollute the heavens with their misguided worship.   The Agrian Purists are also unique among the member states of the League in that their histories claim that Rhaddin's Rest was once a pure land united under a single banner under the light of the Astarum, and that all other species currently present in the realm are invaders who have stolen the League's rightful territory. Consequently, member states belonging to the faction consistently rank highest among the most warmongering and expansionist members of the League.   Unlike the Agrian Monetarists who see economic opportunity in free labor from their conquered peoples, the Agrian Purists have a military policy of extermination. They are responsible for cutting a wide swathe of destruction across the countryside of Rhaddin's Rest and are almost single-handedly to blame for the near-extinction of the Duskan peoples and way of life before the establishment of the Undercity, Berenok.   Unsurprisingly, it is the Agrian Purists who most revile the existence of Berenok and the Tarelan Pact that protects the city and its inhabitants. They view the city as a thorn in their side and an obstacle that must be surmounted for their vision of a purer Rhaddin's Rest.
Political, Faction / Party


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