Tarelan Pact

The Tarelan Pact is a treaty established between the Astarum and Agrian League on one side and the city-state of Berenok on the other. Named for the bloody battle of the Tarelan Field which preceded its drafting by the vitian, Agarem, the treaty precludes the direct involvment of the vitian of the Astarum in any matters related to Berenok and prevents the Agrian League from taking hostile action against the Berenok, effectively creating a sanctioned sanctuary state for the oppressed, persecuted, and disenfranchised peoples of Rhaddin's Rest.   The treaty represents the thwarting of a centuries-long campaign of genocide and persecution prosecuted against the ethnic minorities of Rhaddin's Rest by the theocratic Vastaya majority who comprise the expansionist Agrian League and worship the vitian of the Astarum as living gods. It carves out a sizable portion of land around the Undercity where people fleeing the draconian rule of the Agrian League can live in relative safety.   Binding in more than just a strictly legal sense, the Tarelan Pact has served as a thorn in the side of the Astarum's plans to exert their dominance over every corner of the realm. While the treaty has provisions preventing their involvement with Berenok regardless of justification, there are no such provisions preventing Berenok from maligning the Astarum or otherwise interfering with their designs. This has been especially useful to the Palares, a group of vitian who, emboldened by Agarem's choice to walk away from the Astarum, have taken up the cause of fighting for the "othered" peoples of Rhaddin's Rest. Thanks to the pact, they are able to establish a headquarters beyond the reach of their enemies but close enough to the people they wish to help that they can conduct operations effectively and efficiently.   Although the Tarelan Pact has been ratified by the Astarum and the Agrian League, its legitimacy as a legal document is a matter of controversy. While nothing can be done about the enchantment binding the Astarum and the League to the provisions of the document, the dubious circumstances under which the pact was forged remains a point of contention. Few of the signatories can explain their consent despite their public and vehement opposition to the contents of the treaty, with some going so far as to say that the document may have been ratified under magical compulsion. The implications of a single vitian having the ability to compel the entire leadership of the Astarum and the Agrian League are, however, too dire for either entity to officially acknowledge this view.


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