Holstrak Brotherhood

The Holstrak Brotherhood, originally the Hüllstrachë Brotherhood in Old Duskan, meaning the "Red Star Brotherhood", is a charitable organization based out of Berenok that was founded on the principles of equality, freedom, and security for all inhabitants of the Shardscape realm of Rhaddin's Rest. When the Crimson Star Agarem departed the Undercity of Berenok for parts unknown, it quickly became clear that someone—or a group of someones—would need to step into the Crimson Star's role as patron of the oppressed, persecuted, and disenfranchised.   Established by those who had been assisting the Crimson Star in his work during the early days of Berenok, the Brotherhood works tirelessly to undermine the theocratic, expansionist confederation of nations known as the Agrian League. With a network of informants, smugglers, and undercover agents all across Rhaddin's Rest, the Brotherhood is able to keep tabs on the movements of the Agrian League, and especially its most warmongering of member states, in order to send advanced warning to communities that are under direct threat.   Much of the Brotherhood's work is preventative in nature, often taking the form of resettling communities out of the path of one of the Agrian League's interminable crusades, guiding refugees to safe havens to avoid roving packs of slavers, and finding shelter for exiles both within Rhaddin's Rest and without. Despite the organization's considerable reach, its resources and manpower are severely limited relative to the Agrian League so it avoids direct confrontation where possible.   Where preventative measures are insufficient, such as in the case of people and communities already suffering under the rule of the Agrian League, the Brotherhood makes use of its network of informants and smugglers to ferry those most in danger out of Agrian League territories to one of a handful of safe havens around the realm. Every year, the Brotherhood saves hundreds of souls from slavery under the Agrian League, and often quite a few of that number will turn around and join the Brotherhood to continue the work.
Activist, Charity


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