
Crimson Star Agarem (a.k.a. Profane Star of Berenok, Painted Scourge of Val-haddin, Traitor to the Astarum, Honored Friend of the Palares)

Agarem is a powerful vitian, a celestial fey, who resides in the Rankled Raven at the Emberholt in the realm of Signr's Sprawl. Despite having taken up residence at an inn remarkable only for having briefly hosted the foundering members of the Wardens of the Wayward during their most active period, Agarem remains a person of considerable influence thanks in no small part to their widespread connections and intimate knowledge thereof.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Originally from Rhaddin's Rest, Agarem was once part of the Astarum, a council of powerful archfey who ruled by proxy through the Agrian League, a confederation of theocratic nations who treat the vitian of the Astarum as living gods. Although Agarem held a seat on the inner council, and thus wielded considerable influence on the council's policymaking, a constant tide of religious conflict prosecuted by the expansionist Agrian League led to their disillusionment and estrangement from their peers.   Electing to forsake the Astarum cause, Agarem created a haven for the oppressed, persecuted, and disenfranchised of Rhaddin's Rest, the Undercity Berenok. Although they originally meant for the city to be nothing more than a protected refuge, the constant influx of refugees, the sentiment of the citizens, and the perpetual threat of discovery and destruction eventually drove Agarem to arm the people of Berenok. Despite the great lengths taken by Agarem to hide Berenok from the eyes of the Astarum, the Undercity's existence was eventually discovered and the vitian of the council who had, by now, discovered Agarem's dereliction and perceived treason, gave the command to burn the Undercity to the ground.   Aware of the Astarum's usual playbook, Agarem knew that the task of destroying Berenok would fall to the closest member state of the Agrian League, which in this case was Val'Haddin. Hoping to rouse support for Berenok, Agarem disguised themselves as a "professional companion" and, using their talents, endeared themselves to individuals of considerable influence in Val'Haddin.   Despite Agarem's efforts, even factions sympathetic to the plight of Berenok felt unable to speak out on behalf of the Undercity, much less act to undermine the campaign against it. Tensions continued to escalate with near-constant skirmishes between the people of Berenok and Val'Haddin and an increasingly brutal internal campaign on Val'Haddin's part to root out Undercity sympathizers. Faced with the grim reality that war was unavoidable, Agarem returned to Berenok just in time to help arrange the city's defenses.   Tensions reached a boiling point when Val'Haddin fielded a large force to attack Berenok, resulting in what is known as the Lhutdanac or Night of Blood, during which Berenok repelled the invaders but not without suffering catastrophic damage. Although initially reluctant to countenance a retaliatory attack, Agarem was eventually swayed by the public outcry. The conflict culminated in a bloody battle at the Tarelan Field, during which Agarem was forced to break the vitian taboo against direct participation in mortal conflicts to protect the people of Berenok by laying waste to the forces of Val'Haddin and the nation's nearby capital.   A talented empath, Agarem was horrified by the aftermath of their actions and withdrew at once from direct involvement with Berenok. Before departing Rhaddin's Rest altogether, they arranged the Tarelan Pact which precluded the direct intervention of the Astarum against Berenok, and forbade the Agrian League from taking hostile action against the Undercity.
Current Location
The color of glowing embers tinged with gold
Long locks like tongues of flame, rippling reds, oranges, and yellows, that faintly shimmer in any incident light.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white, like alabaster
Founded Settlements


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