Pehlbrant History

The Pehlbrant History is a historical manuscript of questionable historicity and dubious provenance. It recounts a history of the Shardscape realm of Rhaddin's Rest that is substantially different from all other extant accounts. Most modern historians believe that the narratives laid and claims made by the Pehlbrant history are all spurious or exaggerated to fit the racial supremacist agenda of the unknown author.   Despite the scholarly consensus and rejection of the Pehlbrant History by most other member states of the theocratic expansionist confederation known as the Agrian League, member states belonging to the Agrian Purists faction nevertheless take the Pehlbrant History as the true and accurate account of historical events in Rhaddin's Rest. Whether Agrian Purist state leaders truly believe in the version of events portrayed in the Pehlbrant History or see the document as nothing more than a convenient political tool to legitimize their position is unclear.   The two most important differences between the conventional histories of Rhaddin's Rest and the Pehlbrant History have to do with the Duskan people. First, the Pehlbrant History contends that the Vastaya were, from the distant past until the present, the ethnic majority of Rhaddin's Rest whereas the accepted story is that, for much of the realm's existence, it was the Duskan people who enjoyed a plurality in Rhaddin's Rest. Second, the Pehlbrant History claims that the Duskan people are not native to Rhaddin's Rest at all, but are instead the scattered remnants of an invasion from a realm of darkness and evil who are encroaching on lands that rightfully belong to the Vastaya.   Much is unknown about the origin of the Pehlbrant History. Neither the author nor the time of penning are known, or if they might once have been known, they have both been forgotten. The document takes its name from Pehlbrant, the founding member of the Agrian Purist faction, whose leaders first began espousing this alternate history as justification for starting a campaign of extermination against the Duskan communes in the north. It is highly suspected that the document was a fabrication altogether by the Pehlbrant royal family to rally support for their cause.
Manuscript, Historical


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