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2024-01-11 - We Be Pirates now Report

General Summary

Officially part of the crew now the team starts their new life as pirates.
They begin with an auspicious start, Kurag found the most recent log book from the customs house while they were robbing the place and he pocketed it. Max investigating these logs found an interesting shipment headed for the Gramlek Citadel, a freehold he has smuggled to in the past. It seems that someone has paid to have 2 crates of Cold Iron shipped from the Rock to the Citadel on a Caravel named The Graceful Gull.
Shipping out ahead of the Gull, the crew lies in wait to pounce on the smaller ship once it is out of the protective sphere of Bral. Kurag and Tor'vay-nel manning the ballista, and Ah-tun helping to crank the winch of the barbed bolt assembly, the crew of the Wyvern managed to grapple the Gull and board her.
While the crew of the Gull readied themselves to repel boarders, Ah-tun and Kurag swung across the gap and started the assault. Both pirates start by each taking on 3 crew members alone, Ah-tun on the stern castle and Kurag on the main deck. Ah-tun found himself face to face with shortbow wielding crew, and after taking a lucky shot to right to the chest he lost his temper and tore into the crew remaining in his reach. Kurag was not as lucky and found himself quicky surrounded by burly deckhands and their liquid courage. As things were starting to look bleak for the crews resident psychopath Senyo and Enki came to the rescue with a hastily summoned skunk and the trademark Enki threats of ultra violence. With the crew of the Gull nauseous with Skunk musk and fear of a baritone lemur, Kurage was able to capitalize on their disorder to make some precision cuts felling the brutes. With the majority of the able bodied crew dispatched, Ah-tun chased down the pilot and pulped her right in the face dropping her like a sack of rocks.
Looting the ship, the crew managed to find the Cold Iron they were after, as well as liberating most of the personal possessions and ship weaponry the Gull had. They stablized the pilot and a couple crew members to spread the legend of the Wyvren and set off for Coliar and the Gramlek Citadel.
Rock the Bral Campaign
Report Date
11 Jan 2024


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