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2024-02-07 - The Gorteng Job

General Summary

After a successful sacking of a Caravel the crew took their ill gotten crates of cold iron to the Gramlek Citadel, a rather odoriferous freehold that orbits Colier and proceeded to offload their goods. This being such a good payday Max decided to divvy the loot early and the team did a little shopping.
Deciding to chill in a dive bar near the docks and putting down a brawl that threatened to spill into their table, they were approached by a finely dressed Half Drow who introduced himself as Tause Jarzeed. Tause refills everyone's cup then makes himself at home at their table, and explains that he is a broker for a Lord Uxrisix, who just happened to be the consignor for all that cold iron. He assures everyone that as the shipment made it to the Citadel where it was being sent to anyhow, no harm no foul. Though the crew did manage to create a different problem for his business interests, so he wonders if they would be interested in remedying it. You see, the Graceful Gull that the crew had sacked, was supposed to pick up a shipment of arms here on Gramlek and deliver it to a hobgoblin mercenary company stationed on Glyth. He offers up the payment of 1,500g for the transport of 50 crates of long guns, powder, and alchemical bombs, the crew manages to talk him up to 1,600g and he agrees to pay a 20% down payment on the shipment.
The 4 day trip out to Glyth was un eventful, and lucky for the crew the planet doesn't have a lot of population centers so finding the prison labor camp the Gorteng Company was running and landing in the pudding that passes for water on Glyth was easy. While they didn't get the warmest of welcomes from the locals, they managed to make contact and discuss the specifics of delivery. A rather surly officer named Quartermaster Casmet explained they wouldn't take delivery of so much ordinance so close to the prison, and if the crew wanted her to sign off on the delivery so they could get paid they would need to drive the shipment up the side of the mountain to a depot they had. Reluctantly the crew agreed and Ah-tun and Senyo managed to row through he sludge water back and forth unloading the boat while Tor'vay-nel and Kurag argued over who got to supervise. The cruelty of their hosts really showed when they started to take bets over what bodily harm would befall the prisoner that was tasked with feeding the kennel full of goblin dogs. The dogs broke loose and started savaging anything on two legs, and the camp turned it's attention on trying to corral or kill the dogs. Ah-Tun tries to get the prisoner to run towards the crew for safety and she runs behind the stacks of crates that were being loaded but one of the dogs goes over the top and squishes her. They manage to put down the mongrels that had them cornered and stabilize the prisoner that was pounced upon. In the aftermath of the chaos, one hob guard slinked up and addressed the crew in Elvish. Turns out he is a dwarf escapee named Moddum Sternshot using a Scarf of Disguise, and he would like to convince the crew to turn the munitions over to his nascent resistance. They cannot pay the crew, but Ah-tun forcefully presses him to agree to some of the crates and a future favor. Once the crew agreed, Moddum instructed them to take the turn off "marked by the tree growing out of the rock" and he and his would meet them after the tunnel. He then left them to not draw attention.
After the crew loads the carts the hobs provided, QM. Casmet came back with the spare squad she promised and 4 really smelly Yzobu that they hooked up to the carts. They would drive one of the carts and guide the crew up the mountain to the depot. The crew and the 5 hobs split between the two carts, with Tor'vay-nel taking the reigns of the lead cart. As they left the camp Tor struck up a conversation w/ the corporal that she affectionately nicknamed "Greg", discussing the workings of the mine and the prison camp. "Greg" was pretty open about the horrid conditions they kept the prisoners in, saying "criminal scum don't deserve comfy conditions". The trip was uneventful, and when Senyo saw and pointed out the group the tree/rock that they were looking for Tor decided it was time to act. Whispering a quiet apology she pulled her dagger and tried to shiv "Greg". Ah-tun's seeing stuff start to go down pulled his best death stare at the Yzobu behind him and sent the poor animal in a panic, pulling the cart into the side of the cliff tipping it over and spilling the contents and people in the cart. "Greg" sounds the alarm and all the hobs ditch their bows for sword and board. The three hobs in the cart use their military training to surround Kurag and though he fights valiantly, three on one does not end well in his favor and he goes down. Senyo tries to pull out a massive Horizon Thunder Sphere, managing to soften up "Greg" and the private that were starting to work on Ah-tun, then falls to the same trio that gave the business to Kurag. Tor pelts the private with "Greg" with an alchemists fire and in it's weakened state from the thunder sphere it caught fire and fell burning. Ah-tun seeing his compatriots fall leaves "Greg" to Tor and Gadget, and rushes in dropping one of the privates and applying a medicinal patch to Kurag, who stands up and dispatches one of the privates in front of him just to be struck down again. "Greg" after taking a vicious poking from Gadget and seeing the tables start to turn summons all of his military training and smashes Gadget and turns on his friend Tor and cuts her down. Ah-tun and "Greg" are the last two standing, as they face off amongst the bodies of friends and foes. "Greg" cautiously approaching behind his shield and Ah-tun unleashing his rage, rushes in with a wild swing that just clears the top or "Greg's" shield knocking him cold. Breathing heavy and calming down he starts to patch up his companions.
Righting the cart, and calming the yzobu the crew takes the munitions to the arranged meeting spot. Moddum and a small crew step out of the bushes and take possession of the carts, giving the crew 2 crates of long guns and 2 crates of bombs. He hands the crew a note and asks them if they can deliver it to The Elven Armada explaining it's a letter from one of the prisoners, a minor elven noble, describing the situation in the camp and beseeching for help. He then lights off a signal rocket and leaves as soon as they can see the Wyvern lift off the lake.

Rewards Granted

Deposited in the Ships Coffers

320g Deposit from Tause
1 Dueling Pistol
8 Flintlock Muskets
160 Rnds of Ammo
5 Acid Flask (lesser)
5 Alchemist Fire (lesser)
5 Hide Armor
5 Longsword
5 Short Bow
5 Wood Shield
Rock the Bral Campaign
Report Date
07 Feb 2024


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