Melbethe Geographic Location in Rogue Trader | World Anvil


There’s a long-dead empire on Melbethe. A place destroyed by time and the inferiority of the Xenos. Creatures more deadly and dangerous than anything you can imagine lurk there. Fortunately for you, they are also exceptionally valuable.
-Inquisitorial Agent Miss Styrine     Melbethe is a world of madness. Millions of years before the rise of the Imperium some xenos race carved or manufactured a world. Melbethe is more than half vacuum by volume; branching, winding coils of dark stone comprise the entirety of the world. From orbit, it looks like a mesmerizing tangle of smooth briars; a three-dimensional maze on a colossal scale. There is no atmosphere or life on Melbethe, or, at least, no habitable areas have ever been found. The maze of branches, some as thin as a human hair, baffles any attempt at auspex mapping or orbital scans. Marks on the dark stone soon fade, beacons malfunction or vanish, and tethers are mysteriously cut. No Rogue Trader has even reached even a tenth of the way into the heart of the Abyssal Maze, though a handful have died trying. The last Lord Captain to try, Amadeus Krydiss, attempted to use a focused lance beam to carve a path through the maze. His ship was found, decades later, shredded into a cloud of tumbling fragments, in Winterscale’s Realm. Some say the Eldar protect this world, or wish to keep its secrets hidden from the prying eyes of man.


One of the many worlds inside the Accursed Demesne that has never been formally charted by Explorators or Rogue Traders, likely due to its proximity to Undred-Undred Teef. Information given to Zacharya Caine has indicated that it is home to a race of Xenos that both the Inquisition and The Beast House have some sort of interest in.
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