Session XXXIV: The search for Perdition - Report Report in Rogue Trader | World Anvil

Session XXXIV: The search for Perdition - Report

General Summary

The Crew was safely aboard the former planetary governor of Ritammeron's vessel. This little ship was a far cry from the Perdition or the more recent addition of the Righteous Path but it was a sturdy little ship that could get you from place to place. It's speed and maneuverability were unmatched for a warp capable ship and the bridge was comfortable to boot. The downside was that the machine spirit on board was a fledgling. It had no personality of it's own to speak of as it had been wiped recently by the Governor. The ship's designation had been scrubbed as well. Either would be sacrilegious to the Machine cult but both would be grounds for summary execution. It's a good thing for Manfred Von Burga that he never made it on board and instead died by Bjorn's gun. It was quicker that way.    Bjorn had been wronged. All of them had been wronged. It was time to begin the hunt for their things and the Crew knew that Chime wasn't getting far because last they had left the perdition it only had a couple of weeks worth of food left in it's holds. After consulting the star charts and making educated guesses about where Chime must of taken the Perdition the team decided to head for The Hermitage. It was a port that they had been to before and it was a well know hub of activity for Rogue Traders. They were hoping that Chime would head for the nearest imperial outpost and it seemed like the safest bet.   Without much prompting from the now reinstated Captain Bjorn, Isaac focused his mind once more and reached out across the void to find the Astronomicon. He had little trouble with it but the ruinous powers always try and get their kicks in. Unfortunately passage into the warp this time was marked by wounds not clotting. Anyone with so much as a scrape began to bleed with no coagulation to be had. Other people who were missing arms, like the Eldar woman whom had been captured at the Governor's spire, didn't stand a chance. She bled out moments after transitioning to the warp despite Ani's best efforts to the contrary. There was nothing to be done. Another dead end for information had been created. It will likely be some time before the Crew finds out what the Governor was up to on Ritammeron and whom he was dealing with, if they ever get the chance again at all.   After what seemed like an exorbitantly long voyage the little scout sloop that could emerged from the warp in the system of The Hermitage and made way there using sub-light engines. The proximity alarms and warning lights went off moments later though. Bjorn swiftly maneuvered the ship out of the way of a giant block onyx rock that had apparently been sucked into the slip stream of the warp gate along with them. Even though Bjorn was able to dodge the rock barreled down on the unsuspecting imperial outpost. Murk ordered his now trained to his standards gun crews to shoot the big rock. The men sprang into action and fired but came up short, narrowly missing the meteor. Murk was disappointed in them and vowed more training drills as a result of their failure.   The meteor itself slammed into the Hermitage with a couple megatons of force instantly incinerating part of the hodgepodge of spaceport pieces that had been linked together. The ensuing blast wave brought a field of debris rocketing back towards the little scout ship. Bjorn once again performed amazing feats of piloting and managed to keep the ship clear of the largest chunks of space station that would of crippled or destroyed their new vessel. After a quick celebration of their survival the group waited for the Hermitage to triage their damage. After a short while they once again got their coms working and hails the Crew. After a short back and forth they were given a docking slip to set down in and resupply.   Bjorn navigated into the slip and the Crew disembarked. Murk was not allowed to go walking alone so he and Stig pair up as they commonly did. Isaac took off for the navigator's guild and sold off the trade routes he had discovered. He considered selling the information of the unknown planet that he had sensed as the team escaped Ritammeron but he held onto that information for now. It could be a proverbial gold mine or a death trap and he wanted to know for himself before he sold the information and everyone with a ship in this sector raced over to the planet to try and claim it.   Ani went to the mercantile district and bought an expensive replacement piece for her chest armor. The upside was that she was more protected again, the downside she was lighter a good amount of hard earned pay and with no idea how far away the Perdition was or where it was going another payday could be equally far off. Bjorn went down to the docks and discussed with Dockmaster Luke his desire to once again be reunited with his ship. Luke wasn't a sunshine and Rainbows kind of guy and Bjorn had struck out with this individual a while back when the Perdition needed repair at that time but Bjorn tried to put that behind him as he spoke to Luke now.   Eventually Luke did divulge the information that Chime had already come and gone and last sight of Captain Hobart as he is calling himself now, he was headed for his old stomping grounds of Port Wander. From there he could access the entire Calixis Sector and Imperial space largely untouched.   The Crew didn't like the sound of that and quickly reconvened aboard their tiny vessel. With little ado Bjorn gave the command to launch to space once more and make haste for Port Wander. Isaac scurried up to his new Navigator's Seclusium and made the necessary preparations and once again displaying his abilities as discerning the ebb and flow of the warp he successfully jumped into the darkness.    The trip was blessedly short this time and the warp seemed to not mess with the ship at all on this crossing. The Crew arrived at Port Wander with little fanfare. The station reached out in much the same way as always and Bjorn and the crew gathered as much information as possible. As they walked around and got information about Chime it became clear that the group had beaten Chime back to Port Wander. Their faster scout ship must of overtaken him in warp travel thanks to Isaac's expertise.   It was with that the Crew began to plan for his arrival and how they would deal with Chime Hobart. Did he even know what happened to them and he was making the best of a bad situation or was he complicit in the Crew's banishment from their ships and left for dead. Only time would tell.

Rewards Granted

  • +3 xp
  • 121 total xp
  • Ani +16xp (previous logs)
  • Bjorn +15xp (previous logs)
  • Isaac +6xp (previous logs and hidden plot found)
  • Murk +9xp (previous logs)
  • Rasp +1xp (previous haikus)
  • Stig +20xp (previous logs)

Missions/Quests Completed

  • The Milk Run (Completed)
  • Murk - A tail of two Waaagh! (Completed)
  • Ani - Getting past the visions of the future (Complete)
  • Grasping hands from every corner of the Void - (Completed)
  • Stig - The Jungles of Ash (Completed)
  • The Yve of Destruction - Phase 1
  • Bjorn - Darktide (begun - Part 1, optional objective 1 failed, Part 2 Complete, Part 3 - In process)
  • Isaac - The god-machine (Part 1 & 2 complete, Part 3 - In process)
  • Rasp - Children of the Machine (begun - detoured - Objective 1 Complete, Objective 2 failed, Objective 3, - Complete, Objective 4 - Paused.)

Character(s) interacted with

Created Content

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Report Date
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Primary Location
Secondary Location


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