Kuni Maromachi Character in ROKUGAN 2024 | World Anvil
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Kuni Maromachi

"A crab alone is a delicacy awaiting the Oni's bento : A hundred crab pick the beast's bones clean."


Born Hida Maromachi, the youngest of five siblings, it was believed that the kami Hida's acknowledgement of strength would absolutely land on one of the older brothers or sisters before ever being afforded to Maromachi himself. As Hida Tenmaru proved himself first as the Crab Champion and later as the Second Crab Thunder, Maromachi was certain that the fortunes had other paths in mind for him. Despite being as sturdy as the next Hida, Maromachi took to the courts, applying all of the strategic learnings of warfare towards how he dealt with societal threats to the Crab Clan. He soon took the Kuni family name after wedding the neice of the Kuni Daimyo, prompting deeper collaboration between the families. Many saw the betrothal less as political maneuvering and instead representative of Maromachi's recognition of his four older siblings being more than capable of leading the Hida and, therefore, the Crab clan. Despite his change of name, Maromachi is still considered one of the legendary 'Hida Five' responsible for rebuilding the Clan after The Second Day of Thunder.

Maromachi was already Acting Clan Champion in all but name after Tenmaru's wife died; Tenmaru threw himself into such active warfare against The Shadowlands that it was necessary for others to take up the mantle of leadership in the courts. It was Maromachi who oversaw Hida Ryoma's tutelage, calling in the greatest minds of the Kuni, Kaiu, and Hiruma to impart all they could to temper the Damascus Lord.

While there were concerns over Maromachi's capacity to helm the Crab as their Champion during the recent unrest in the Shadowlands, Maromachi has proven to be even more the tactician and strategist than any of his late siblings. Rumors that decades in the courts dulled his sense of real battle were all dispelled as he outmaneuvered Shadowlands hordes time and time again. Maromachi's capacity in working with other clans and rallying their best to the Crab cause only further banished doubt about his leadership while making the Crab and Crane alike rattle their sabers over the now-unified Crab and Scorpion. Maromachi does not seem concerned in the least, focusing instead on the reality of war with Jigoku itself.



Maromachi's physique is undeniably Hida, making the broad-shouldered man seem almost comical as he has to crouch to enter the courts of other clans. His presence in the courts is undeniable, however, as he speaks with an assured and deep timbre. Unprepared political detractors were initially sent to Kyuden Hida to be representatives to Maromachi when he first assumed leadership of the Crab and they quickly underestimated the rhetorical capacity of the brusque, brazen warrior out of place in such regal kimono. While some claim that Maromachi's wife, Kuni Izumi , is responsible for the would-be berseker adapting so readily to the courts, those who knew him since his youth are keen to the fact that Maromachi was always mindful of his appearance and speech since seeing rejection from a romantic interest during his teenage years.
Ryoma's uncle and the current acting Champion of the Crab clan.


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