Doji Kenzo

Doji Kenzo is the child of Doji Yukimaru and Daidoji Diya, on paper, at least. The truth is that all of Doji Yukimaru's children are actually birthed by Doji Nakita, as the 3 of them are in a relationship, unbeknownst to Nakita's husband. Diya is unable to have children, and as such, Nakita takes long trips with her best friend and her best friend's husband when she starts to show signs of pregnancy with one of their kids. Two seasons away and Diya returns with a child that was "hers". Nakita explains this to her husband as a codependence Diya has on her, and her husband, sweet and unquestioning, does not pry.   Kenzo was born with the gift to speak to the Kami, and was enrolled under the tutelage of an Asahina Shugenja. He wholeheartedly embraced pacifism, only learning utilitarian prayers for the Kami and swearing off acts of violence even more strictly than his teachers. He thought he'd spend his days in court, or in a temple, but fate had other plans.   The opportunity to become an Emerald Magistrate made his parents giddy--or, more accurately, made his aunt Nakita giddy, and everyone knew she ran both their households. So when she said he should go, his mother and father backed her. He ended up in a job he hated, dealing with violent criminals and ne'er-do-wells alongside his cousin Izanagi and several others. They worked their way up the chain as Yoriki together, and eventually became Emerald Magistrates.   During his experiences, Kenzo found out he was very gay. Men who hit on him made him go weak in the knees, and he had a hard time telling them no. This proved to be a particular problem when Izanagi, his cousin, became one of those men. It became more of a problem as Izanagi got more and more possessive of him, and he really aught to learn how to say no, but he didn't.   While both of them grew up with the intention of marrying for their duty, Kenzo's hopefuls often ended up scared off. His suitors would show up once and go home deathly ill, or get in a terrible accident, and it became a reputation that clung to him and drove off any other potentials. "Benten had cursed him, and he was not to be married."   Kenzo is not disappointed with his marriage-free life, but he is annoyed at the idea that Benten cursed him. Him! A Crane clan samurai! It wasn't Benten that cursed anything--it was Izanagi, and Kenzo is quite aware of it, because Izanagi hasn't hidden it from him in the slightest.  







Family Ties


Social Aptitude

Homosexual Submissive
Doji Izanagi
Doji Hitomu
Doji Shunsuke
Doji Izanagi (Half [Secret])
Doji Ryoko (Half [Secret])
Doji Gorou (Half [Secret])
Parents (Adopting)