Doji Hitomu

Doji Hitomu is the child of Doji Yukimaru and Daidoji Diya , on paper, at least. The truth is that all of Doji Yukimaru's children are actually birthed by Doji Nakita , as the 3 of them are in a relationship, unbeknownst to Nakita's husband. Diya is unable to have children, and as such, Nakita takes long trips with her best friend and her best friend's husband when she starts to show signs of pregnancy with one of their kids. Two seasons away and Diya returns with a child that was "hers". Nakita explains this to her husband as a codependence Diya has on her, and her husband, sweet and unquestioning, does not pry.   Hitomu is the eldest girl, and embraced the life of a courtier, unlike her twin brother, who ran off to serve with the Crab on the wall and ended up best friends with a Yasuki girl. She flitted through life with the looks to get anything she wanted, and the wit to get anything her looks wouldn't give her, until one year she was watching the Topaz Championship and a young Lion Samurai was competing.   Hitomu was still young then, just coming into her womanhood herself, but Hitomu was not going to allow that tall woman to walk out of her life without knowing she wanted her. She showered Ikoma Haineko in favors and poetry, and flirted madly with her, and Haineko returned the affection right back. When Haineko won the tournament, Hitomu whisked her away to reward her with her body.   They kept in contact, writing letters back and forth, and Hitomu refused any other suitors. Hainako soon showed up to ask for her hand in marriage after she became Clan Champion, with an army at her back in case Hitomu's family refused. They didn't. Hitomu was delighted, and became wife to the Clan Champion, and with the help of Haineko's brother--at some amount of threat from Haineko--she birthed 3 children with her lover.  







Family Ties


Social Aptitude

Homosexual Switch
Ikoma Haineko
Doji Shunsuke
Doji Izanagi (Half [Secret])
Doji Kenzo
Doji Ryoko (Half [Secret])
Doji Gorou (Half [Secret])
Parents (Adopting)