Doji Shunsuke

Doji Shunsuke is the child of Doji Yukimaru and Daidoji Diya , on paper, at least. The truth is that all of Doji Yukimaru's children are actually birthed by Doji Nakita , as the 3 of them are in a relationship, unbeknownst to Nakita's husband. Diya is unable to have children, and as such, Nakita takes long trips with her best friend and her best friend's husband when she starts to show signs of pregnancy with one of their kids. Two seasons away and Diya returns with a child that was "hers". Nakita explains this to her husband as a codependence Diya has on her, and her husband, sweet and unquestioning, does not pry.   Shunuske is a Daidoji warrior just like his mother, Diya, and spent most of his formative years after Gempukku on the Carpenter wall, where he met Yasuki Mimiru and became close friends. He saved her when she nearly died, and he is vaguely aware of the way she shakes when she barges into battle now, although he doesn't comment on it.   He grew up without finding a lover, but he married a nice woman and settled down to have children, as duty expected of him. He had 3 kids with her.  







Family Ties


Social Aptitude

Bisexual Dom
Doji Hitomu
Doji Izanagi (Half [Secret])
Doji Kenzo
Doji Ryoko (Half [Secret])
Doji Gorou (Half [Secret])