Hantei Jiki

If you don't mean it, don't just say it
If you don't feel it, don't you fake it
If it's a lie, baby, don't say it's true
If you don't want it, why'd you take it
How come you bought it, just to break it
If you don't love me then don't say
Don't say you do
  The youngest daughter of Hantei Khunbish and Togashi Nakayuro, Jiki was also lucky enough not to be born with the taint on her.   She was raised in a loving household on stories about the Hantei family and its origins. Khunbish talked about the stories before they were members of the empire--stories she wasn't supposed to talk about. She said so frequently. Jiki fell in love with the stories--fell in love with her mothers' friends and their heroism. She thought of the Hantei family proper as deities.   This wasn't so weird around the Spider Clan. A lot of people embraced the idea of Hantei Awakane as the Dark Fortune of Strength, and Hantei Misaki as the Dark Fortune of Beauty, and Hantei Kanpeki as the Dark Fortune of Perfection. Of the 3, though, Jiki was most impressed by Awakane.   Perhaps because her mother was closer to him. When she took her adult name, she named herself "Porcelain", after the cracking skin that Awakane was known to have, and she took to bleaching the color from herself to match his white complexion. She was a little more than obsessed.   When she and her brother were stationed as Clan Magistrates in Toshi Josho, the Rising City, she started at first as an above-the-board magistrate. She was patient with the gang hooligans, but strict. It wasn't until she was introduced to the Akehebi and their explicit worship of the Dark Fortunes that she really stopped being a good girl. Jiki put on an Oni Mask and joined the gang herself under a pseudonym. She rose to the top quickly, and a lot of her time was spent running this crazed street gang--at least as much time as she spent pretending to uphold the law.   When the Governor arrived, Jiki was excited to show him around. He was a grandchild of Kanpeki--born of divinity. He was one of them. Every time she looked at him with her brown-red eyes, they were full of awe. Maybe that was why he started taking an interest in her. Maybe it was just an accident. Maybe he was just using her. She didn't know for sure, but she did know that she really liked obeying him when he told her what to do, and she didn't mind being on her knees for him.  



Jiki is loyal to a fault and dedicated wholly to the virtues of her clan, where everyone gets a chance, even if they fuck up. Within the city of Toshi Josho, she performs her role as magistrate even-handedly and with compassion, and performs her role as Captain with a stern rule that will keep the people she leads from getting too deep into trouble without stifling their growth. She is blessed by the Fortune of Strength, and is not deterred by danger.  


Jiki is not a stranger to doing what has to be done. Her mother and father were not kind teachers, and sometimes you had to kill someone to keep them from destroying you. This truth she knows well, and Jiki does not hesitate when she has to kill. Her training as a Shadowweaver taught her that faceless monsters exist in the skin of humans, and sometimes you have to save them before they procreate. Her conversation style is fast to resort to threats and curse words, and she's not really good for any sort of etiquette-based meetings.  


Family Ties

Her family was raised in tents. Khunbish was looking after large swaths of the Plains Above Evil, assigned there by Hantei Kanpeki so she could enjoy the rest of her life with her secret husband. At the time, much of it was villages and spread apart, so they traveled on horseback--or Onikage--and stayed in yurts. Her siblings and her mostly slept atop one another for warmth and woke up each morning to food harvested from the sparse landscapes. She was learning to act as a magistrate from when she was quite young, and she loved her family, and they loved her, but they all sat outside the celestial order. They were, in a word, illegal. Her clan, though--the Spider Clan--they didn't see them that way. This is why Jiki is so loyal. She would do anything for the Hantei family, including kill the Emperor if asked. That being said, they aren't asking her for that.  

Social Aptitude

Jiki can do basic social interactions without much of an issue. She wouldn't stand up against a courtier, but she's fine for the work she does. She tends to approach everything with passionate threats or underhanded schemes, though.
Heterosexual Submissive
Hantei Rei
black, fluffy, somewhat long
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tan, but bleached white