Hantei Khunbish

Hantei (Once Moto) Khunbish is one of the young Dark Moto born under the auspice of Daigotsu. She is best friends with Lehn and best friends with Awakane, having grown up alongside the two of them. She is a few years younger than the two of them, but is fiercely protective and, despite her overwhelming taint, has learned to keep her head on straight.
  Outside of a ritual she and her twin brother perform in order to blend in, Khunbish sports a physical appearance that is not unlike an Oni. From her fluffy, untamed hair sprouts bull horns; the sclera of her eyes is black, with nearly glowing violet irises. Her teeth are sharp like a wolf's and the inside of her mouth behind them is black as soot. She and her brother developed a difficult ritual that allows them to look completely normal in order to help with the Spider Ronin raids and to better fit into the change that Daigotsu had planned for them.
  She loves her clan more than anything and would die for them without question, and her relationship with her Onikage (her demon horse) is as close as any Unicorn with their own. Through the ritual, she can even interact with normal horses, as it masks the scent of Onikage stench on her. This is perhaps the greatest joy she has garnered from this rite.







Family Ties


Social Aptitude


Hantei Khunbish


Towards Togashi Nakayuro

Togashi Nakayuro


Towards Hantei Khunbish

Togashi Nakayuro (spouse)