Kakita Juri

Juri wanted to be a warrior, but she was chosen as a speaker for the kami. Trained under pacifists, she was denied her dream, and she resented them for it. As such, she didn't get along well with her clan. The only hope she pinned her life on was a dream of a woman with flowing brown curls and mismatched blue and grey eyes that she felt was her soulmate.
  When she met Utaku Naomi, she fell head over heels for her. The only thing was, that she knew she shared the same dream of her with Bayushi Shoraku, her rival. She tried to be noticed more, be more helpful, be more anything. At the court where they met, Naomi was confused by her, and when she gave Naomi a gift to protect her, the Unicorn general accepted it without knowing it bound their lives together.
  Juri had researched that ritual for a long time, made it especially for Naomi, to keep her safe. She didn't realize it would actually ever do anything.
  During the war against Kyoso-no-Oni, Naomi was struck down. She died. Juri knows this, because Juri, in the midst of court, began to cough up blood and collapsed to the ground, medics diving in around her. Naomi was spared from death that day, but only because Juri took the final wound. The medics at the palace stabilized her over the next few months, and in the winter, Juri made a trek to the Unicorn woods of Shinomen where Naomi's army was stationed. She nearly froze to death, but she was found by some of Naomi's men. Happy to see her love still alive, she was again nursed back to health to the concerned faces of all around her for her obsession.
  Naomi had received word of Juri's act and what it had meant from Shoraku himself, who had ridden out to check on her as a fellow general. Naomi felt a little responsible for Juri for this reason, and agreed to arrange for Juri to marry into the Utaku family and become a member of her squad. They'd adopt her, and she'd live with them, as she wanted to.
  Juri became friends with the rest of the members fairly quickly, especially the two shugenja, Anna and Xiang Sho. While at first everyone found her a bit clingy and annoying, being accepted calmed her considerably. She marred a man by the name of Utaku Mato, and she gave him two boys with the help of a unicorn midwife. She had her pregnancy alongside Naomi, and gave birth to children within the same week. Her husband and Naomi's husband both raised the children together--a unicorn and a crane.







Family Ties


Social Aptitude
