O-kuro Oshika

A powerful deer spirit whose domain was overtaken by Jigoku, Oshika has been tainted for the majority of his life. His first interest in the mortal realm of Ningen-do came about when he came into contact with a lady named Yasuki Nagisa when she had stepped outside of her time and was dumped unceremoniously near his own realm. Unable to remember who she was or what she was doing, she began solving the problems of the small township that had been overrun by the anomalous taint with such skill that she caught his interest.
  Shortly after, he began following her. Making deals with her. He helped her, and in return he stole her. Oshika fucked Nagisa like she was his mate, because he had declared it so, and he impregnated her with his children. When the situation was finished, she vanished, but Oshika wasn't one to give up easily. He hunted her. Nagisa, for her part, did not remember their encounters, but she did return home and awaken pregnant, and carried his twin children to term, although she did not fathom how it had happened.
  When he found her, years after the children were born, and claimed they were his, Nagisa was confused and appalled, but couldn't deny the deer-man when the children were obviously part spirit. Nagisa had not had a partner since her first husband had died, but the allure of family was strong for her. Oshika didn't quite understand her concept of family, but was happy to accommodate her in return for her affection and body.
  Nagisa was well into her years by then, and a grandmother, and so their happy time together was all-too-short for Oshika. When his children turned ten, she passed away, and he watched as they were primarily raised by their cousins and aunts and uncles, unable to integrate into Rokugani society as he was. He stalked them, too. Protecting them, advising them. They were infrequently alone.
  When his daughter came out from a Winter Court one day to find her father standing dangerously close to the gates, she was surprised. He huffed and claimed her mother was inside, insinuating an Otomo girl her own age was, in fact, her mother. The reincarnation process was non-linear in time, but his daughter was clear to correct him that, even if this was her mother's reincarnation, it was not, in fact, her mother, and he should proceed cautiously.
  Of course, Oshika has never been cautious, and he has taken to stalking the young Nagisa again, and has every intention of making her his mate once more.







Family Ties


Social Aptitude


Yasuki Nagisa


Towards O-kuro Oshika

O-kuro Oshika


Towards Yasuki Nagisa

Yasuki Nagisa (spouse)