Yasuki Nagisa

Nagisa was the first born to Yasuki Mayuri and Matsumodo, but her mother died in the complications of having triplets, losing the third child as well after barely managing Nagisa and Tomi . The two of them were raised by their father, whose disposition only grew more bitter and wicked from the loss of his wife and the birthing of only two daughters and no sons. Both Tomi and Nagisa learned to defend one another, frequently pretending to be each other as they grew older to avoid their father's moodswings. If he was mad at one of them, they would just say they were the other, and it meant less problems.   Nagisa and Tomi looked very much like their mother, though, and as they came into their own, their father's anger grew into a violent and twisted affection. At first this came in various, simple humiliations, but it finalized in a hellish year for Nagisa where she was sexually assaulted. She did not hide this from Tomi, making sure that Tomi did not suffer the same fate; she insisted that at least one of them should make it through this untainted. Tomi allowed her sister to protect her, although bitterly, but when their father died of unknown circumstances and Nagisa became Daimyo, Nagisa left it to Tomi to investigate the murder, and the people brought to justice were two Mantis visitors who had been caught taking a little more from the boats than they should have.   Nagisa took over the Yasuki family with a grip as iron as her father's, but less unsteady with drink. The family prospered under her and those who questioned her ascension as foul play were quickly pushed out. What resulted was a very loyal clan, which meant there was very little in the way of stirs among them when she fell in love with a Ratling named Ite when he saved her entourage as they were travelling near the borders of the shadowlands. While some Yasuki may question her choice, they don't speak it aloud.   Nagisa had one child with Ite--Reisuka--and as she grew into a samurai, he grew old. Ite's lifespan was short, and by the time Reisuka was an adult, he was barely able to speak. Nagisa cared for him until the end of his life, and when he died, she mourned him. The Crab Clan Champion praised his death, saying it was good that Nagisa was back on the market for actual men, and nearly got Nagisa to pull the Yasuki family from the crab. His children managed to apologize enough to smooth it over, but Nagisa did not appreciate the callousness.   She retired, eventually, to the Second City along with her sister and her sister's husband. She was never alack for children to dote upon in those years and watched them all grow into fine adults. In the twilight of her life, a strange event happened and she was unceremoniously shunted into her younger body and out of sync with her memories, meeting O-kuro Oshika and becoming pregnant with his children. She gave birth to twins at a similar time when her nieces and nephews were having kids, and she didn't get to spend much time with them, passing away shortly thereafter.  


Nagisa was reincarnated into the Otomo Family as the child of Otomo Nobuko and Toku Aito, along with her twin sister. While technically this reincarnation has a different name and look, for the purposes of roleplay simplicity we have opted not to acknowledge that.   Reincarnation in rokugan does not happen over linear timelines--your reinarnation can be walking along right beside you   Otomo Nagisa was born with the gift to speak to the kami and is a Shugenja trained under the Phoenix Clan Inquisitor school. Okuro has noticed she exists and is currently stalking her and calling her his mate.  



Nagisa is a powerful negotiator on the other side of the table, and most would assume she's also a powerful fighter, as well, as Tomi and Nagisa's skillsets are perceived to overlap one another. What one can do, the other is assumed to be able to do, and vice versa. She is not a settled Daimyo, either, and in her younger years was frequently out on the seas personally manning less than savory trade, as well as making adventures into the shadowlands to see her husband. She is a doting mother and a kind woman most of the time, but she knows how to get things done.


Nagisa has a temper and is impatient, and her infamy is well known. She won't tolerate her love getting insulted, especially not in her home, and speaking it to her face is a sure death sentence. She has very little empathy for those outside of her family and doesn't feel bad about the deaths of a few innocent people. Nagisa worries little about the consequence of her actions because her family is so necessary to the Crab clan's success that pissing her off would spell a horrible downfall, and she knows how important that makes her to the Empire as a whole.


Family Ties

Nagisa's sister Tomi and she are very close. Interchangeably so, some might say. She is extremely doting and protective of her one daughter and the only one she plans to ever have. She doubts Tomi will have a child, either, and therefore, both of them have put all their hopes into one, honorable babe. She intends to find Reisuka a suitable husband, and hopes the ratling can have children, but knows Reisuka will adopt if nothing else.

Social Aptitude

To sit across a table from Nagisa is to be endangered. She is extremely skilled in the talents of court and reading people, and more than that, she's quite good at getting her way. She frequently has a thing she can offer, and it's hard to resist when someone has something you desperately want. Nagisa smiles like a serpent, and her danger is often hidden behind a mask of charm.


Yasuki Nagisa


Towards O-kuro Oshika

O-kuro Oshika


Towards Yasuki Nagisa

O-kuro Oshika (spouse)
Sky blue
Black, to her shoulderblades, often kept up in a bun.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale, with some ruddiness from the sea water