Shosuro Hide

Hide is sixth born in a flock of 7. Her Mother died giving birth to her younger brother, Yojiro, and that has left her the matriarch of a house full of men. Niece to the Family Daimyo, Hide feels like she has a lot to live up to. Her brothers are all successful in their own ways, being Magistrates or military, but Hide has not found a place that she feels she wants to occupy yet. She suspects, eventually, her father will want her to marry well, and so she is well-versed in how to be a good wife, but her real talent is for ferreting secrets out of a person she's speaking to. Trained in the Bayushi school, she excelled, with a smile that spoke of angels and a personality that made her seem less a Scorpion and more a Monkey.   There are few that could see through Hide's cunning, and to her credit, she has few flaws to exploit, unlike most of her family. She made sure to train herself carefully so she would not carry any unsightly personality baggage through to whatever task she was put toward. She's a hopeless romantic, and loves stories of affection and love, and while she knows they are impractical, she fancies the kind of whirlwind romance of the written word.



Hide is friendly and approachable, and her onn is practically impossible to break. More than that, it's difficult to see through her when she decides she wants you to see something else. A born master of lies, the young Shosuro puts even the most talented of Bayushi to shame. Her unassuming demeanor is complimented with a small form and doe-brown eyes. She, as many Scorpion, is loyal to her family and clan first, above anything, even the Empire. While these two things do not currently oppose one another, should they ever, Hide would fall on the side of the family and watch the rest burn.  


Hide is not cold or callous, nor is she divorced from her empathy, but she is ruthless despite this. If asked by her family, Hide would not hesitate to bring the innocent to death, nor the Empire to its knees. Her own personality is, in fact, somewhat subsumed by her loyalty to family and clan, as she does not allow herself to want things outside of the desires of her kin. For this reason, Hide is exactly as virtuous or as cruel as the highest ranking Scorpion who asks something of her and can convince her that it is the proper course of action.  


Family Ties

Neice to the family Daimyo, Hide's Mother was Shosuro Mayumi, Second born of the family Daimyo before, just after her brother. She married Bayushi-Makudo Tadao, and they lived a cordial life. Mayumi bore many children, making up for her youngest sibling, Ime's, lack of fertility. Some consider this a direct show of her love for Ime, as they had been close as children. Regardless, Mayumi was a strict, if doting, parent to her 5 sons and 1 daughter. Tadao, a General of the family armies, retired after she died, settling down not in a monastery, but at home to raise his final son. Yasuo took over the head of household. Hide's relationship with her father and brothers is one of protection and consideration. Each of them seek her for guidance on feminine matters and sometimes on courtly matters, as well, and they are all proud of her. She acted almost as a mother to the youngest, Osamu, who now is 14 and just out of Gempakku. Her brothers, in order from Eldest to Youngest, are Yasuo, who is head of house and a Magistrate, serious to a fault and passingly trained in courtly ways by Hide herself, Keiji, a Captain of the Family army who hopes to become general one day, and is very unprepared for any sort of court, Satoshi, who is an actor of the Shosuro school and a capable information gatherer, although none would guess he was very good at it if they saw him without a persona on, Michi, a yojimbo of the stealthy sort, who works alongside their uncle, the family Daimyo, as one of his personal guard, Mitsuo, whose time on the battlefield has seen many fights, and whose honor is unquestionable--his ability to speak was taken from him early in life, when he was captured and tortured by Kolat conspirators, and he speaks mostly in sign now, and then Osamu, who seems to be on a path similar to Michi.  

Social Aptitude

Hide is in her element when she's speaking to someone. She knows exactly how to talk to make someone want to open up to her, and she uses that to her advantage. She is perceived as young and innocent, beguiling and kind, and for the most part, she is those things. She is the type that is not noticed easily and desires no acknowledgement besides the job well done, but her father wishes great things for her, because he sees what an asset she is. She is a shining example of Scorpion courtly efficacy, and belongs in the high courts.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity





Shosuro Hide


Towards Akodo Tao Shih

Akodo Tao Shih


Towards Shosuro Hide

Akodo Tao Shih (spouse)
Gold brown and almond shaped
Straight and black, down to the back of her knees
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quite pale and unblemished