Shosuro Yasu

Yasu is the only child of Shosuro Hide and Akodo Tao Shih. He is a loyal son and the assigned yojimbo to the First Prince and Imperial Heir, Toturi Taro. This is a position he takes very seriously, and he reports everything to his mother. While he is Taro's best friend, he's his mother's son first and foremost.   Taro's proclivities for getting in trouble got Yasu in trouble a lot when they were younger, and Taro's sexual explorations also extended to Yasu as well. While Taro discovered he was heterosexual, Yasu came to the conclusion that he had no preference for either gender--although he did not find Taro very attractive, that was mostly his personality.   Yasu was separated from Taro for a few years when Taro got exiled to Musha Shugyo after putting himself and several others in danger and Yasu ratted him out. This time away was also the time in which Yasu met Agasha Katsuro. The circumstances of their meeting were strange, as they found themselves in a strange image of the past seeking out clues the Kami were trying to show them. Yasu found Katsuro's curiosity enamoring, and his innocence particularly enticing. He had a hard time getting Katsuro to realize he was hitting on him, though.   The boy was dense and singularly minded. He only realized Yasu's affections after the Scorpion boy pinned him down and kissed him. Yasu was not rebuffed, though, and Katsuro became very curious about the experience, which lead very quickly into the two of them fucking.   They crossed each other several more times, and each time, Yasu would reinstate his attraction. Katsuro was not particularly able to hide his own, either, but they were not permitted to get married. Katsuro, touched by the Void, was expected to marry a woman and produce children, and the phoenix were insistant. Yasu was expected to marry the 2nd Imperial heir to make sure she was not a threat to the throne.   Yasu, ever the dutiful son, carried out his end of the deal, marrying Toturi Hatsu, Taro's younger sister and a girl he grew up with. They are close friends, but the only child they produced was with great effort to not look at one another the entire time. Katsuro never got married, because the very idea of letting someone else touch him sent him into physical retches. Yasu and Katsuro frequently meet and are still lovers, and although it is a secret, Katsuro is very bad about not showing his affections in public, forcing Yasu to frequently dodge him at Court events.  







Family Ties


Social Aptitude

Homosexual Dom
Toturi Hatsu