Agasha Katsuro

Katsuro is the only son of Yogo Kohaku and Agasha Isei. His mother being a shugenja who spent most of her life trapped in a tower to hide her from the Phoenix clan with a large case of neurodivergence, and his father being the Master of Air, Katsuro grew up in a strange household dichotomy. The palace in which they reside boasts a huge library, and that is where Katsuro found he was most happy.
  While he was born void touched, and the Phoenix clan insisted he should be trained under the school of the Ishiken, his mother was vehemently opposed to the Phoenix clan taking him anywhere. Kohaku had been raised on stories of Phoenix kidnapping gifted children, and even though she had married into the household of one, did not trust his clan. She insisted on homeschooling, and while an Ishiken tutor was sent, they could not get Katsuro to pay attention to them.
  He had already started to whisper prayers to the Kami--he had been imitating his father since he was three. As such, no matter how much they tried to get Katsuro to embrace the depths of the void, he just couldn't be course corrected. Katsuro liked to learn on his own or from a book, and there were no proper books on the very rare talent of Ishiken-do, and the few that existed were jealously guarded and wouldn't be available to an unsanctioned child. Eventually, the tutor gave up.
  Katsuro became a mystic, imitating his father and learning from his books. Able to whisper special prayers to kami that normally they could not manifest, he could manifest lava or mist, and he was far more curious about the world than about people. That was, until Shosuro Yasu kissed him.
  At first he didn't know what was happening. This handsome boy had his hand on the back of his head and was prying his lips open with his thumb. He tasted Yasu's tongue and his breath and immediately was obsessed with this strange experience. He was suddenly as obsessed with a boy as he was with a book, and was eager to let Yasu teach him anything he was willing to teach.
  Their relationship didn't have any sort of content conclusion; although Katsuro would still call it happy, it is not warm and safe like others got to have. Yasu married Toturi Hatsu, the first princess. His clan insisted he get married to a woman, too. His parents fought over it. His mother was unwilling to force him into anything, and his father was being pressured. He almost got married to a young phoenix shugenja, but during the rehearsal, he retched when she tried to kiss him. When he told her, point blank and aloud in front of everyone that he found her repulsive, she was humiliated.
  She didn't deserve it, but Katsuro had never been good at keeping his mouth closed or keeping any sort of secret. It made him untouchable, even for a gifted Void Touched. It was a relief for him, but it caused a bit of a nightmare for his father, which his mother seemed to be unapologetically amused by.
  Yasu's marriage was one of politics and convenience, and Hatsu let them see each other with her blessing. She happily looked the other way and took trips around the Empire frequently. He remained Yasu's lover, and while Yasu frequently played hide-and-seek with him at proper functions, he understood he was just trying not to let Katsuro get them in trouble.







Family Ties


Social Aptitude
