Utaku Angel

Angel was one of four children born at once to Utaku Naomi and Kakita Kiyoshi under the guidance of a Unicorn midwife, Xiang Sho. She was stillborn, and upon finding it out, Iuchi Xiang Sho quickly took the child deep into the woods for council from the Naga. He begged them to save it, and they did so by taking a piece of his rather potent soul and infusing it into her.   Her soul was brought back to the world, infused heavily with the touch of fire and tied closely to the void. While, usually, Phoenix would have swarmed for her to be trained amongst the Ishiken, the terrified parents who had nearly lost her became overly protective and she was homeschooled with Iuchi Xiang Sho as her direct tutor. For a long time, the siblings at Shiro Utaku thought Xiang a househusband, as he stayed with them for so many years and was there so often. It wasn't until they were 9 or 10 they realized that Xiang was actually a part of their mother's warband, and not just any other uncle.   Angel is trained in the ways of Meishodo--the art of coaxing or trapping spirits in items. She also is a skilled designer and seamstress, and boasts a stuffed Shikigami pet that looks and moves like a crow.   Shortly into her adult life, she encountered Ikoma Nobu. He fell quickly for her, but she rebuffed him, as he was a Lion, and their clans have traditionally been prickly to one another. He was also a blowhard, and a loudmouth, things she told him frequently and impatiently. But he was affectionate, and flirtatious, and protective, and soon she found him fairly irresistable.   She was promised to him when he courted her--or, more appropriately, he was promised to her, as Utaku women never give up their names. He married into her family, and the two of them had 3 male children before she nearly gave out, and they stopped trying.  







Family Ties


Social Aptitude
