Yasuki Reisuka

Reisuka is a strange sight to behold in the realm of Rokugan. At a glance, she seems almost normal, if albino, but any more than a passing look reveals the strange features that denote her as other. Her father, a Nezumi, and her mother, a Rokugani woman, leave Reisuka with a strange heritage and a lot of social baggage. Although she is accepted as a Samurai, she's rarely treated as one, and she spends much of her time attempting to live up to the title.  




Reisuka believes in the good of everyone and everything, and racial biases are there to be fought against, not upheld. She refuses to allow a murder to happen in her presence, and would be hard-pressed to even allow a properly tried execution to happen in front of her eyes. The laws of Bushido are important to her, so she would rather remove herself from the situation than disobey the law, but she can be somewhat difficult to deal with in the event of something more minor, like the handling of someone tainted.  


Stubborn to a fault, Reisuka will defend even evil if it is helpless. She doesn't allow for murder without trial in her presence, and she'll take up arms to defend someone for this purpose. This absence of nuance can become grating and difficult, and seem even dismissive to the pain the oppressed are feeling when rising up against their oppressors. Reisuka is not the type to think through a plan, either, and is far more likely to rush headlong into a conflict that she cannot win for the sake of honor.  



Family Ties

Reisuka comes from a strangely loving family, and is protected violently by them. While she is not stupid, and she knows her family does things that are less than honorable, she chooses not to think too much about that. Many things that Reisuka disapproves of, she chooses not to think too much about when it comes to her friends and family. Her mother, Nagisa, and her aunt, Tomi, are both very doting over the heiress, but both are also ruthless Yasuki power-houses. Nagisa is allowed to state that she is married to Ika, Reisuka's father, because she single-handedly controls the Crab's wealth and capitol, keeping the clan's efforts alive.  

Social Aptitude

In a proper social situation, Reisuka is at a loss. She hides behind her mother's social skills or keeps quiet, only answering when spoken to for fear of misstep. Outside of proper society, she is friendly and outgoing, physically affectionate and full of smiles with those she knows are comfortable.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity



Asexual, Aromantic, Demihetero


Yasuki Reisuka


Towards Kasuga Basho

Kasuga Basho


Towards Yasuki Reisuka

Identifying Features
Long tail, Long ears, a button nose, long feet
Kasuga Basho (spouse)
Large and Pink-red
Straight, thin white hair to her hips, kept in bun
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Ivory white