Kasuga Basho

Basho is a rabbit spirit. When he first came close to the world of Ningen-do, he laid eyes on a young woman through the mists--a girl with big ears and red eyes and a rat tail named Yasuki Reisuka. He immediately fell in love with her. Unsure how to get to her, he began to wander about for an answer in the Senkyo, before he asked a fortune and was directed to a dead man on the shore.
  "That is Kasuga Basho. Take his name and his knowledge, keep his family's hopes alive, and make yourself a life." the Fortune advised, an ancestor of the small family who was sad to see them hurt. Basho did so, returning to his family with memory issues and learning all he could about the ways of their people and how to make them happy, before he turned his mind to his own happiness.
  He courted Yasuki Reisuka, and was blocked by her mother Yasuki Nagisa. He had to convince her first, and Nagisa had two requirements for being her child's husband--you had to be able to run the Yasuki family properly, and you had to make her child happy. Fail in either point, and forfeit your chances and possibly your life. Basho was fully dedicated to succeeding at the second, and the first he had learned and trained for under his new family's tutelage.
  He wasn't prepared for Yasuki Nagisa to see through his disguise. The conversation was awkward as she pried him for why, but his intentions were pure and purposeful, and she eventually agreed to allow him to marry her daughter. They were married shortly thereafter, and she gave birth to one child. The strain on her body was too great for him to dare try for another, but they agreed upon an heir to the Yasuki family that would not be their carefree Mimiru, but their niece, trained as a Yasuki Merchant and eager to take up the mantle.







Family Ties


Social Aptitude


Yasuki Reisuka


Towards Kasuga Basho

Kasuga Basho


Towards Yasuki Reisuka

Yasuki Reisuka (spouse)