Yoritomo Hiroka

Born to a family of sailors who all went out to celebrate him and his brother's Gempukku at sea and were attacked. None survived except he and his brother, and they made due being bandits for food and survival. They eventually became enough of a problem that the local village they were terrorizing called in a more skilled hunter, and Katlynn showed up and put them in their place before dragging them both back to the Mantis Palace as her newest rescues.   One of the 5 adopted kids of Yoritomo Katlynn, the Mantis Clan Champion, Hiroka is twin to Yoritomo Yoshito, and was only a part of Katlynn's family for 2 years before she deemed his twin brother worthy of taking the title off her hands, eager to be rid of it. While he respects his "mother"--he does not think of her that way--for rescuing them and reminding them how not to be feral and how nice underwear was, he isn't particularly sure she's actually older than the rest of them, emotionally.   Hiroka is a fabulous diplomat and has a love for dressing up and performing. This is how he frequently takes on his twin's countenance to pretend to be him for more boring meetings. Hiroka has cleaned up a lot since those days on the street, alone with nobody but his brother to care for him, but at his heart, he's still a criminal. He'll always be a criminal.   This is the reason that when his brother fell for a Lion who didn't have any respect for him, Hiroka proposed a plan of subterfuge and blackmail, of kidnapping and, maybe, even a little murder. Yoshito opted out of the murder.   He convinced the Empire she was dead so they wouldn't be interrupted, arranged the kidnapping of her and her men, arranged the swap that would separate her from her men when they saved them, and the heroic salvation that Yoshito would do by giving up his "only" jade.   It went a little south when they actually got jumped and lost, and their things were actually taken, and it became his real only jade, but Hiroka still managed to make the whole thing come together. He adapted quite well on the fly, and his brother was no slouch either. Nevermind that they had acquired more people than they expected. Nevermind a god stole their damn map to make them her errand boys. They made it out, and the only added difficulty was that Hiroka was fucking mad in lust for the low-class Spider Samurai who broke ranks and ended up coming along with them.  







Family Ties


Social Aptitude

Homosexual Brat
Parents (Adopting)