Yoritomo Ryuuji

The eldest boy adopted by Yoritomo Katlynn. He was a peasant boy she picked up out of one of the towns.   Ryuuji adapted pretty well to the life of a Yoritomo, and has enjoyed himself at sea as a pirate and a tradesman, but wasn't chosen to take on the mantle of Clan Champion. He is just a little bit more cynical, and a lot more hot-tempered, than his brothers.   He met Yogo Megumi while he was checking on a caravan in Toshi Josho. A few strange occurrences where she kept being in front of him in her underwear caught his attention pretty fast. Trapped together for a few days, Ryuuji decided to take a chance on seducing her, and found her at least unable to tell him no, if not amenable, despite being betrothed to the Governor.  







Family Ties


Social Aptitude

Heterosexual Dom
Parents (Adopting)