Yoritomo Katlynn

The only child of Kitsu Oyumi and Yoritomo Raishen, Katlynn was doted on and spoiled for her early life. She was spoiled for adventure, and freedom, and love, and as such, she ended up being a fairly rounded individual.   She didn't want the responsibility of Clan Champion, though. She liked open travel, like her mother, and the freedom to do weird things, like her father, and the seat of Clan Champion required so much proper appearances in proper places acting with proper etiquette. She respected her parents too much to refuse them when they retired, but marriage and children were off the table for her.   She was certain of that.   And she remained certain of marriage, but kids became more complicated. Katlynn had a soft spot for lost kids, and she started bringing them home with her. She picked up kids who were causing problems or getting complained about, or were just down on their luck and hiding somewhere. 5 of them, she found this way.   Each of them went from poverty to a home in the Mantis Clan Champion's palace, and some adjusted well, and others didn't. The first ones in weren't necessarily the eldest, either. She ended up retiring early, when the most promising pair turned 18, and she gave one of them the title and the responsibility. He was far more excited about the prospect of this new elevation in status than she was, and she figured someone should have it that was excited about it.  







Family Ties


Social Aptitude