Myth Chokurri

Secrets of the Sacred Forest: Unveiling the Hidden Wonders

In the central Ofica region, deep in the enchanted Elmwood forest, once lay the elven city of Myth Chokurri. This mystical city was reputed as the home of all manner of fey creatures, plants, and fungi, as magical and strange as those found in the Moonwilde's. The good-natured Wood Elves guarded all life in the forest as part of their worship of the Spirit of Nature, the Ancient Wood.   The fey creatures of Myth Chokurri included sprites, dryads, and treants, who played integral roles in the ecosystem of the enchanted forest. The Wood Elves had developed a symbiotic relationship with these creatures, relying on their aid to maintain the forest's delicate balance. The plants and fungi, such as the luminescent Mooncap mushrooms and the healing Goldenbloom flowers, held great significance to the Wood Elves for their medicinal and magical properties.   The Wood Elves of Myth Chokurri embraced a culture focused on the worship of the Spirit of Nature. They acted as its protectors, preserving the forest's beauty and life. To honor the Spirit, the elves participated in various rituals, including the Moon Dance, an intricate ceremony performed during the full moon to celebrate the forest's harmony. They respected other deities and beliefs but prioritized their connection with the Spirit of Nature above all.   In those days, debates arose among the Wood Elf leadership concerning interactions with humans. Some believed that establishing contact could lead to fruitful exchanges of knowledge and culture, while others argued that Human intrusion might threaten the forest's sanctity.   Notable figures in Wood Elf lore included Elenya Silverleaf, a legendary archer who single-handedly defended Myth Chokurri from a band of marauding orcs, and Thalion Shadowthorn, a rogue who used his cunning to outwit a powerful sorcerer attempting to seize control of the forest.   The return of magic left the Wood Elves divided. Some saw it as a chance to strengthen their connection with the Spirit of Nature, while others feared it would bring unnecessary conflict and disrupt the forest's harmony. This disagreement led to a growing schism among the Wood Elf leadership.   Myth Chokurri boasted unique architecture that blended seamlessly with the surrounding forest. Buildings were constructed using living trees, shaped and guided by magic to form elegant structures. The city's most iconic landmark was the Ancient Wood, a colossal tree at the heart of the city that housed the Council of Druids and served as a beacon of hope and unity for the Wood Elves.   In the world of Rolara, the Wood Elves maintained a peaceful coexistence with other races. While they occasionally clashed with neighboring orcs or goblins, the elves formed alliances with the High Elves of the northern cities and the Dwarves of the Ironforge Mountains.   Once a bastion of harmony and nature's beauty, Myth Chokurri and its Wood Elf inhabitants provided a rich, diverse, and enchanting setting filled with magic, mystery, and the eternal struggle to maintain balance with nature.


Total Population: 14,428
Primary Race: Wood Elf
General Attitude: Guarded and Shy
  • Children (0-50 years): 2,020 (14%)
  • Adults (51-350 years): 10,532 (73%)
  • Elderly (351+ years): 1,876 (13%)
  • Ill/Infirm: 1,584 (11%)
  • Known Criminals: 132 (1%)
  • Urban Population: 14,259 (99%)
  • Rural Population: 169 (1%)
  Myth Chokurri's demographics reflect the guarded and shy nature of its Wood Elf inhabitants. The population is predominantly adult (73%), indicating a mature and experienced society, with a smaller percentage of children (14%) and elderly (13%). The average life expectancy for Wood Elves in Myth Chokurri is around 500 years, with some living well beyond that.   The ill and infirm population accounts for 11% of the total population, which includes those with chronic illnesses, disabilities, or those recovering from injuries. This percentage reflects the natural risks associated with living in a magical forest and the Wood Elves' commitment to caring for their vulnerable community members.   Despite their peaceful nature, Myth Chokurri does have a small criminal element, accounting for 1% of the population. These individuals are typically involved in activities such as poaching rare creatures, trading in illegal magical artifacts, or engaging in espionage against rival factions within the city.   The urban population makes up 99% of Myth Chokurri's total population, as most Wood Elves choose to live within the protection of the city and its magically infused surroundings. The rural population, accounting for just 1%, consists of those who prefer a more secluded lifestyle or who have roles that require them to live outside the city limits, such as scouts, rangers, or researchers studying the more remote areas of the enchanted forest.   In addition to the Wood Elf majority, Myth Chokurri is also home to a small number of other races, such as the fey creatures who have formed alliances with the elves. These individuals contribute to the overall diversity of the city and often hold specialized roles related to their unique abilities or knowledge.


Governance and Administration of Myth Chokurri

  Myth Chokurri is governed by a council of elders, which includes High Druidess Yalara Ulathyra-Civelathriesh, representatives from various factions within the city, and a liaison from the Fourth Fairy Kingdom. This council ensures that the interests of the residents, the fairies, and the forest are balanced and protected.   Laws: The laws of Myth Chokurri focus on the preservation of the natural world, maintaining the balance between civilization and wilderness, and fostering cooperation between the city's inhabitants and their Fairy allies. Offenses against nature, such as excessive tree-cutting, poaching, or pollution, are punished severely. Other laws cover standard matters such as theft, assault, and property disputes.   Taxation: The city imposes a moderate tax system, with residents contributing a portion of their earnings or harvested resources to support the community's shared infrastructure and defenses. Additionally, a portion of the tax revenue is dedicated to the Fourth Fairy Kingdom as part of the ongoing alliance.   Organization: The administration of Myth Chokurri is divided into various sectors, each led by a council-appointed steward. These sectors include agriculture, trade, defense, infrastructure, and magical affairs. Each steward is responsible for managing their respective sector and ensuring that their goals align with the council's vision for the city's growth and preservation.   Education and Training: The city places a strong emphasis on educating its citizens in both practical skills and the magical arts. Initiatives include mentorship programs, apprenticeships, and a centralized school system where young elves are taught the arts of magic, nature, and martial combat. Promising individuals are handpicked by High Druidess Yalara and her council to join the ranks of the guardians of the sacred beasts or to serve as emissaries to the Fourth Fairy Kingdom.   Military and Defense: Myth Chokurri maintains a well-trained militia, comprising skilled archers, warriors, and spellcasters. The city's defenses include the natural barriers of the foothills and river, as well as the magical Mythal that confounds non-fey creatures. The alliance with the Fourth Fairy Kingdom also provides an additional layer of protection, with fairy knights ready to aid in the city's defense when needed.   Diplomacy: Myth Chokurri maintains diplomatic relations with nearby settlements, both elven and otherwise. The city's council frequently sends emissaries to foster trade, share knowledge, and ensure that the wilderness beyond their borders remains unharmed. The relationship with the Fourth Fairy Kingdom is particularly strong, exemplified by the ongoing cooperation between High Druidess Yalara and King Oberon.


Walls: Enchanted Stone and Mortar Wall
The walls surrounding Myth Chokurri are crafted from enchanted stone and mortar, imbued with protective magic that strengthens their resilience against both physical and magical assaults. The walls are adorned with intricate carvings of woodland creatures, plants, and symbols of the Spirit of Nature, showcasing the Wood Elves' deep reverence for the natural world.   Natural Defenses: Foothills, River, and Dense Forest
Myth Chokurri is nestled within the protective embrace of the Elmwood forest's foothills, providing natural barriers that make it difficult for invaders to approach unnoticed. The winding river adds an additional layer of defense, forcing potential attackers to traverse treacherous waters or find limited crossing points. The dense forest is home to various fey creatures and enchanted flora that deter and confuse those who attempt to enter without permission.   Magical Defenses: Mythal of Feywarding and Guardian Spirits
A powerful Mythal of Feywarding surrounds the city, preventing non-fey creatures from properly navigating through the Elmwood forest. This magical barrier causes intruders to become disoriented and lost, often leading them in circles or away from the city. Additionally, the Wood Elves have formed bonds with guardian spirits that inhabit the forest, who serve as vigilant sentinels against unwanted visitors. These spirits can summon vines, thorns, or even illusions to hinder the progress of any trespassers.   The combination of sturdy walls, natural barriers, and magical defenses ensures that Myth Chokurri remains a well-protected sanctuary for the Wood Elves and their fey allies.

Industry & Trade

Flora and Fauna

  • Livestock: Moonhoof Alentejana (Cattle with faintly glowing hooves)
  • Prey: Silver Squirrels, Mist Mice, Starlight Deer, and Ethereal Boar
  • Aquatic: Moonbeam Catfish (bioluminescent) and Crystal Clams (with shimmering shells)
  • Trees: Alder, Twilight Buckeye, Starfruit Lemon Tree, Moonlit Willow, Dawn Palm, and Enchanted Rimu
  • Grass: Tall Fescue Grass, Fey Deergrass, Whispering Leafy Reedgrass, and Velvet Tufted Hair Grass
  • Shrubs: Hornbeam Maple, Sunfire Tomato Plant (with golden fruit), Moonlit Lentil Plant, and Healing Aloe Vera
  • Moss: Brocade Moss, Glimmering Peat Moss, and Fern Moss with luminous spores
  • Vines: Madeira Vine with enchanted flowers and Passion Vine with magical fruit


Myth Chokurri's infrastructure is an intricate blend of natural and magical elements, designed to maintain harmony with the enchanted Elmwood forest. The city's layout and facilities reflect the Wood Elves' deep connection with nature and their commitment to preserving the environment.  
The city's transportation system relies primarily on footpaths and suspended walkways woven between the trees. Wood Elves are agile and adept at traversing the forest canopy, making these pathways efficient for their daily use. Some areas also feature magical transportation, such as living vine bridges that can extend and retract on command or portal networks connecting key locations.  
Housing in Myth Chokurri is predominantly composed of treehouses, built within the living branches of the Elmwood forest. These dwellings are created using a combination of natural materials and magical techniques, allowing them to blend seamlessly with the surrounding environment. The homes are designed to accommodate the needs of the Wood Elves, with ample space for living, working, and practicing their crafts.  
Water and Sanitation
Myth Chokurri's water supply is sourced from the pristine rivers and streams flowing through the enchanted forest. The Wood Elves employ magical purification methods to ensure the water remains clean and safe for consumption. Waste and sanitation are managed through a combination of composting and magical disposal methods, which help maintain the forest's delicate balance and prevent pollution.  
Energy in Myth Chokurri is primarily derived from natural and magical sources. Sunlight filtering through the forest canopy provides warmth and light, while bioluminescent plants and magical enchantments offer additional illumination. The Wood Elves harness the ambient magical energy of the forest for various purposes, such as powering protective wards or fueling their magical crafting.  
Food Production
The Wood Elves of Myth Chokurri are primarily self-sufficient in terms of food production. They cultivate a variety of crops, both magical and mundane, within the forest, employing sustainable farming techniques that promote harmony with the environment. Hunting and foraging for wild game, fruits, and edible plants supplement their diet. Trade with neighboring settlements also provides access to a wider variety of foodstuffs.  
Myth Chokurri's defense infrastructure is a combination of natural barriers and magical wards. The dense forest and its fey inhabitants act as a deterrent to potential invaders, while a network of magical wards and enchantments protects the city from both mundane and magical threats. The Wood Elves maintain a skilled militia, trained in guerrilla warfare and forest combat, to defend their home against any hostile forces.   Overall, Myth Chokurri's infrastructure reflects the Wood Elves' dedication to living in harmony with nature while maintaining the security and well-being of their community.


District 1: Leafhaven
  • Type: Residential
  • Population: 4420
  • Primary Building Style: Wooden
  • Secondary Building Styles: Thatched
  • Aesthetics: Tasteful
  • Cleanliness: Disorderly
  • Upkeep: Neglected
  Leafhaven is a primarily residential district of Myth Chokurri, nestled among the trees. The district's homes are built with a primary wooden style and thatched roofs, designed to blend seamlessly with the surrounding forest. While the area is aesthetically tasteful, the district's cleanliness is somewhat disorderly, and the upkeep of the buildings appears neglected. This may be due to the Wood Elves' focus on living in harmony with nature, allowing the forest to slowly reclaim some of the structures.  
District 2: Silverbark Garrison
  • Type: Military
  • Population: 2852
  • Primary Building Style: Stone
  • Secondary Building Styles: None
  • Aesthetics: Normal
  • Cleanliness: Immaculate
  • Upkeep: Lived-in
  Silverbark Garrison is the military district of Myth Chokurri, where the Wood Elf militia and their families reside. The primary building style here is stone, providing a more fortified appearance compared to the residential district. The area is immaculately clean, and the buildings are well-maintained, reflecting the disciplined nature of the military inhabitants.  
District 3: Mistwater Quay
  • Type: River
  • Population: 1996
  • Primary Building Style: Stone
  • Secondary Building Styles: Wooden
  • Aesthetics: Tasteful
  • Cleanliness: Foul
  • Upkeep: Lived-in
  Mistwater Quay is located along the river, serving as a hub for trade, fishing, and transportation within Myth Chokurri. The district's primary building style is stone, with wooden accents that echo the city's connection to nature. Despite the tasteful aesthetics, the area's cleanliness is somewhat compromised, likely due to the constant activity and the challenges of maintaining a clean environment near the river. The upkeep of the buildings is lived-in, reflecting the constant use and adaptation of the structures to the needs of the community.   At the heart of Myth Chokurri is the Hidden Gardens of the Ancient Wood, wherein lies the immense tree called the Ancient Wood, thought to be an avatar of a long-forgotten god. The Chokurri Elves maintain a sacred garden labyrinth at the base of this tree, where their city thrives. Along with the Fourth Fairy Kingdom, the Chokurri elves guard the Elimvandor and the Ancient Wood in tandem, honoring a promise meant to last forever.


Stone Quarries

Mysticstone Quarry
  • Gathers Enchanted Travertine
  • 46 workers skilled in geomancy
Veinstone Rock Pit
  • Gathers Luminescent Marble
  • 20 workers trained in stonecraft

Lumber Camps

Whisperwood Logging Camp
  • Gathers Silverbark Alder
  • 41 workers adept in sustainable forestry
Weeping Willow Lumber Camp
  • Gathers Moonlit Willow
  • 7 workers specializing in arboriculture
Sunrise Palm Lumber Camp
  • Gathers Dawn-touched Palm
  • 14 workers with expertise in exotic tree care

Ore Mines

Starshard Open Pit Mine
  • Gathers Astral Manganese
  • 16 workers proficient in magical metallurgy

Guilds and Factions

Guilds and Factions in Myth Chokurri

  Various guilds and factions contribute to the political and economic landscape of Myth Chokurri. While some focus on trade and commerce, others are dedicated to preserving the city's unique cultural and natural heritage.   The Druidic Circle: Led by High Druidess Yalara, this influential group of druids, rangers, and other nature-oriented individuals work together to protect the wilderness surrounding Myth Chokurri. They advise the council on matters related to the environment, wildlife, and magical resources.   The Artisans' Guild: Comprising skilled craftspeople and artists, this guild is responsible for the production and trade of Myth Chokurri's unique goods. They work with natural materials like wood, stone, and metals, and also incorporate magical elements into their creations.   The Traders' Coalition: This faction represents the interests of merchants and traders within the city. They seek to foster trade relations with other settlements, and work closely with the Artisans' Guild to ensure a steady flow of goods both into and out of Myth Chokurri.   The Protectors of the Sacred Beasts: This organization, established by High Druidess Yalara, is dedicated to the preservation and protection of the legendary creatures within the surrounding wilderness. They train and deploy skilled individuals to guard these creatures and their habitats from harm.   The Fourth Fairy Kingdom's Enclave: A group of fairies and their elven allies, they serve as a liaison between King Oberon's realm and Myth Chokurri. They work closely with the Druidic Circle and the city council to maintain the alliance and support mutual interests.   The Arcane Order: This faction is composed of wizards, sorcerers, and other magic-users. They focus on the study and advancement of arcane knowledge, and their members often serve as advisors to the city council on matters of magical importance.   The Silverleaf Rangers: A group of skilled scouts and survivalists, they are responsible for patrolling the city's borders and maintaining the safety of its citizens. They work closely with the Druidic Circle and the Protectors of the Sacred Beasts to preserve the wilderness and protect the city from external threats.   These factions and guilds play a significant role in shaping the politics, economy, and culture of Myth Chokurri. They often collaborate with one another to achieve common goals and ensure the city's prosperity and continued harmony with nature.


A Brief History of Myth Chokurri

  Myth Chokurri, nestled in the heart of a warm temperate forest, has a rich and storied history spanning centuries. Its origins can be traced back to the arrival of the Wood Elves, who were drawn to the area by its natural beauty and abundant resources.   Founding and Early Years: The Wood Elves, guided by their deep connection to nature, established Myth Chokurri in harmony with the surrounding environment. They began building homes, workshops, and temples using materials sourced from the local forests, quarries, and mines. Over time, the settlement grew and attracted other races who appreciated the city's dedication to preserving its natural surroundings.   The Alliance with the Fourth Fairy Kingdom: A pivotal moment in Myth Chokurri's history occurred when the Wood Elves forged an alliance with King Oberon of the Fourth Fairy Kingdom. This alliance brought magical resources, knowledge, and protection to the city, strengthening its bond with the Feywild.   The Reign of High Druidess Yalara: The appointment of Yalara Ulathyra-Civelathriesh, also known as Ayll, marked a new era for Myth Chokurri. Her unwavering dedication to protecting the wilderness and its inhabitants, as well as her collaboration with the Fourth Fairy Kingdom, helped solidify the city's reputation as a haven for those who valued nature and its magical properties.   The Great Forest Fire: In the mid-7th century, a massive forest fire threatened the city and its surrounding wilderness. Thanks to the combined efforts of the Druidic Circle, the Protectors of the Sacred Beasts, the Rangers' Brotherhood, and assistance from the Fourth Fairy Kingdom, the blaze was contained and extinguished, saving the city from destruction.   Modern Times: Today, Myth Chokurri is a thriving settlement known for its unique blend of natural resources, magical heritage, and skilled artisans. The city continues to draw visitors from far and wide, eager to experience its enchanting sights, sounds, and tastes, as well as its commitment to preserving the balance between civilization and nature.   Throughout its history, Myth Chokurri has remained steadfast in its dedication to living in harmony with the environment, and its people continue to work tirelessly to maintain this delicate balance.

Points of interest

Special Features

  • Sacred Ground: The Glade of Whispers, a serene and sacred grove located 2221 feet southwest of Myth Chokurri, where Wood Elves come to meditate, commune with nature spirits, and perform rituals to honor the Spirit of Nature.
  • Ruined Temple: The Temple of the Fallen Leaves, an ancient and mysterious temple lying 4 miles west of Myth Chokurri, once a place of worship for a long-lost Elven deity. Now in ruins, it is said to hold hidden secrets and powerful relics from a bygone era.
  • Insect Mounds: The Moonlit Mounds, situated 4.66 miles northeast of Myth Chokurri, are a series of bioluminescent insect mounds, home to rare and magical insects, such as Stardust Fireflies and Dreamweaver Moths, which are prized for their alchemical properties.
  • Unexplored Caves: The Echoing Depths, an extensive network of unexplored caves located 10 miles south of Myth Chokurri. Rumors abound of the hidden treasures, ancient artifacts, and strange creatures that lurk within their shadowy depths, waiting to be discovered.


Tourism in Myth Chokurri

  Myth Chokurri attracts various types of tourists, including scholars of ancient history, nature enthusiasts, adventurers, and those seeking spiritual enlightenment. Visitors come from different realms and races, such as humans, dwarves, other elves, and even some of the more curious and peaceful monstrous races.   Tourists are eager to see and experience the following:  
  1. The Ancient Wood: Many visitors are drawn to the mystical energy of the immense tree at the heart of the city, believed to be an avatar of a long-forgotten god.
  2. The Hidden Gardens of the Ancient Wood: Visitors often explore this garden at the base of the Ancient Wood, seeking peace, serenity, and perhaps even divine guidance.
  3. The Fourth Fairy Kingdom: Tourists venture to the nearby kingdom to learn more about the fairies and their culture or to witness the magical alliance between the Chokurri Elves and the fairies.
  4. The Ruined Temple: Located 4 miles west of the city, this temple is a popular destination for archaeologists, historians, and adventurers seeking to uncover its secrets.
  5. The Unexplored Caves: Adventurers and spelunkers alike are drawn to these mysterious caves 10 miles south of the city, eager to explore the unknown and potentially uncover hidden treasures.
  6. The Insect Mounds: Located 4.66 miles northeast of the city, these mounds are a fascinating attraction for entomologists and nature enthusiasts, who hope to study the unique insects residing there.
  Tourists in Myth Chokurri typically stay in one of the city's charming inns or guesthouses. These accommodations are often built in the city's signature architectural style, blending stone, wood, and thatched roofs. Some inns may even offer more immersive experiences, such as staying in a treehouse or participating in cultural activities during their stay.


Overall Architecture

  • Primary Building Style: Enchanted Stone and Wood
  • Secondary Building Styles: Marble, Thatched Roofs, and Living Tree Architecture
  • Aesthetics: Whimsical and Organic
  • Cleanliness: Harmonious with Nature
  • Upkeep: Well-maintained, with an air of ancient wisdom
  In Myth Chokurri, the Wood Elves have mastered the art of blending their structures seamlessly with their enchanted surroundings. Buildings are primarily constructed from enchanted stone and wood, giving them an organic and magical appearance. Marble is used for more significant or ceremonial structures, while thatched roofs and living tree architecture provide a harmonious connection to the natural world.   The city's aesthetics are whimsical and organic, reflecting the Wood Elves' deep reverence for nature and their fey heritage. The city is not characterized by the orderliness found in Human settlements; instead, the Wood Elves maintain a harmonious balance with their environment, allowing nature to grow and thrive alongside their structures.   While the architecture of Myth Chokurri may appear ancient, it is well-maintained by the elves, who take great pride in preserving the wisdom and beauty of their ancestral home.


Myth Chokurri is nestled in the magical Elmwood forest, within the slope foothills of the Whispering Mountains. At an elevation of 1207 feet above sea level, the city enjoys a vantage point that allows the Wood Elves to easily survey their domain.   The city is situated 11.31 miles from the marine coast, where the crystal-clear waters of the Enchanted Bay lap against the shores. The ground cover in the area is dense, with 87% of the land being blanketed by a lush carpet of fey vegetation and towering trees.  

Water Features

The Moonlit River

  • Salinity: Fresh
  • Depth: 49 feet
  • Width: 614 feet
  • Navigable: Yes, by magical Wood Elf vessels
  • Aquatic Animals: Moonbeam Catfish, Crystal Clams, and other enchanted creatures
  A significant water feature near Myth Chokurri is the Moonlit River, a pristine, sparkling waterway that flows gracefully through the heart of the enchanted forest. The river is fresh, with a depth of 49 feet and a width of 614 feet. The Moonlit River is navigable by the Wood Elves' magical vessels, allowing for easy transportation and communication between different parts of their realm.   The river is teeming with life, including enchanted aquatic creatures such as Moonbeam Catfish and Crystal Clams. These animals play an essential role in the Wood Elves' culture, providing sustenance and materials for their trade and industry.   This rich and diverse geography is a testament to the magical nature of Myth Chokurri and the Wood Elves' strong connection with the land they call home.


The climate of Myth Chokurri and the surrounding enchanted Elmwood forest is characterized by a warm temperate forest climate, providing a comfortable and lush environment for the Wood Elves and the magical creatures that inhabit the area.  
  • Avg. Annual Temperature: 52°F (11°C), with temperatures ranging from mild in the winter to moderately warm in the summer months.
  • Avg. Annual Precipitation: 55.16 inches, primarily falling as rain but with occasional snowfall during the winter.
  • Avg. Annual Snowfall: 13 feet, with snow typically melting quickly due to the area's overall moderate climate.
  • Seasons: Summer, Winter, Fall, and Spring, with each season bringing its own unique beauty and challenges to the forest.
  • Prevailing Winds: Southwest to northeast, bringing fresh, clean air from the Enchanted Bay.
  • Ocean Currents: Cold ocean currents from the marine coast keep the climate from becoming too hot, contributing to the overall comfortable conditions.
  The climate of Myth Chokurri is generally stable and predictable, with seasonal changes that are not extreme, allowing the Wood Elves and the flora and fauna of the region to thrive. The comfortable temperatures and abundant precipitation create an environment where magical fey plants and creatures flourish, enhancing the enchanting atmosphere of the city and the Elmwood forest.

Natural Resources


  • Metamorphic: Moonstone Marble
  • Sedimentary: Twilight Travertine, Fey Laterite, and Spirit Caliche


  • Metals: Starlight Manganese


  • Semi-Precious: Sunbeam Topaz


  • Warm Seasons: Whispering Kiwicha
  • Cool Seasons: Enchanted Kaniwa and Dreamweaver Triticale
  • Food: Whispering Kiwicha, Enchanted Kaniwa, and Dreamweaver Triticale


  • Leafy: Moonshadow Spinach
  • Cruciferous: Faerie Cabbage
  • Stem: Sylvan Celery

Utility Crops

  • Fiber: Loomsong Cotton

Magical Crops

Founding Date
Alternative Name(s)
Forest City of the Chokurri, Lost City of Chokurri
Related Ethnicities
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Additional Rulers/Owners
Owning Organization

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