
Jiaohai is an old city, founded by Qin and Xi the Great. The locks, canals, and aqueducts of the city move untold millions of gallons of water through the city, though the famous dam thay Xi built for King Qin has long been destroyed. The construction allows for irrigation even in the upper hills, and for a remarkable waste water system reclamation system. Jiaohai is the seat of a mutual defense pact known as the Jiao Alliance and the largest city in world, both in land area and population.
  The most famous martial artists in the world are from Jiaohai. The monks of the Five Temples are famous even in other planes of the multiverse.


Total Population: 90438
Primary Race: Human
General Attitude: Xenophobic and Critical
  • Children: 16279
  • Adults: 64211
  • Elderly: 9948
  • Ill/Infirm: 8282
  • Known Criminals: 1130
  • Urban Population: 80354
  • Rural Population: 10084


  • Source of Legitimacy: Divine Mandate


Road Construction: Stone and Brick pavement
Main Irrigation: Aqueduct Irrigation
Number of Districts: 9


District 1
  • Type: Shanty Town
  • Population: 19261
  • Primary Building Style: Wooden
  • Secondary Building Styles: None
  • Aesthetics: Functional
  • Cleanliness: Filthy
  • Upkeep: Crumbling
District 2
  • Type: Residential
  • Population: 20660
  • Primary Building Style: Thatched
  • Secondary Building Styles: None
  • Aesthetics: Utilitarian
  • Cleanliness: Disorderly
  • Upkeep: neglected
District 3
  • Type: Slum
  • Population: 13745
  • Primary Building Style: Thatched
  • Secondary Building Styles: None
  • Aesthetics: Derelict
  • Cleanliness: dirty
  • Upkeep: Dilapidated
District 4
  • Type: River
  • Population: 9430
  • Primary Building Style: Stone
  • Secondary Building Styles: Thatched and Wooden
  • Aesthetics: Utilitarian
  • Cleanliness: Foul
  • Upkeep: Lived-in
District 5
  • Type: Market
  • Population: 8165
  • Primary Building Style: Stone
  • Secondary Building Styles: None
  • Aesthetics: Utilitarian
  • Cleanliness: Tidy
  • Upkeep: Impeccable
District 6
  • Type: Docks
  • Population: 2227
  • Primary Building Style: Stone
  • Secondary Building Styles: Wooden
  • Aesthetics: Normal
  • Cleanliness: Filthy
  • Upkeep: neglected
District 7
  • Type: Craftsmen
  • Population: 1767
  • Primary Building Style: Stone
  • Secondary Building Styles: Wooden
  • Aesthetics: Tasteful
  • Cleanliness: Disorderly
  • Upkeep: Impeccable
District 8
  • Type: Merchant
  • Population: 2867
  • Primary Building Style: Wooden
  • Secondary Building Styles: Stone
  • Aesthetics: Ornate
  • Cleanliness: Tidy
  • Upkeep: Impeccable
District 9
  • Type: Bridge
  • Population: 1050
  • Primary Building Style: Wooden
  • Secondary Building Styles: Stone
  • Aesthetics: Artistic
  • Cleanliness: Filthy
  • Upkeep: Lived-in
The Secret Sealed City of Heaven
  • Type: Mandarinate
  • Population: 1182
  • Primary Building Style: Stone
  • Secondary Building Styles: Wooden
  • Aesthetics: Ornate
  • Cleanliness: Tidy
  • Upkeep: Handsome


Stone Quarries

Rock Pit
  • Gathers Gneiss
  • 310 workers
  • Gathers Sandstone
  • 424 workers
Rock Pit
  • Gathers Limestone
  • 250 workers
Rock Pit
  • Gathers Limestone
  • 336 workers

Lumber Camps

Lumber Camp
  • Gathers Eucalyptus
  • 735 workers
Logging Camp
  • Gathers Maple
  • 537 workers

Ore Mines

Open Pit Mine
  • Gathers Cinnabar
  • 1520 workers

Flora and Fauna

  • Livestock: Braekel (Chicken) and Llamas
  • Prey: Wild Rabbit, Lizards, Antelope, and Elk
  • Aquatic: Catfish and Clams
  • Trees: Poplar, Maple, Eucalyptus, and Apple Tree
  • Grass: Cloud Grass and Blue Fescue Grass
  • Shrubs: Butterfly Bush, Raspberry Bush, Abelia, and Tomato Plant
  • Moss: Fire Moss and Peat Moss
  • Vines: Porcelain Berry Vine and Poison Ivy


Jiaohai was founded when the legendary ruler Qin agreed to work with Xi the Great. Xi taught the Jiao people how to use locks and dams to control flood waters and keep their people in highlands away from the dangers of the sea.   The floods that had destroyed many of the ancient Jiao cities were still talked about by the year -820 AW. When Xi the Great came to Qin, King of Jiaohai, he suggested founding a city at the headwaters of the largest river in the area, upon a plateau defended by forests and mountains on one side, and giving clear views of the lands below and beyond. Xi showed him how to build irrigation systems and dams to create large resevoirs, and to use the water for his people. With this control of the water in the world Jiaohai advanced to the forefront of agricultural knowledge. They've carefully cultivated many different regional strains of all manner of fruits, grains, vegetables and even live-stock. They've taken great pride in developing each specific lineage. This knowledge and sense of culture has spread thoughout the Jiao Alliance.

Points of interest

Special Features

  • Sacred Ground: 12.41 miles south
  • Ancient Battlefield: 7.95 miles south
  • Ancient Colossus: 9.02 miles north
  • Bottomless Pit: 6.31 miles southeast


The Hall of Heavenly Heroes is a temple where the ancestors who protected the homeland from monsters are worshipped and studied.   The The History Peak Pagoda is a temple where the oral history of Jiaohai is shared by trained storytellers. These storytellers are an integral part of the Jiaohai propaganda machine.


Overall Architecture

  • Primary Building Style: Stone
  • Secondary Building Styles: Wooden and Thatched
  • Aesthetics: Normal
  • Cleanliness: dirty
  • Upkeep: Lived-in


Depressional Valley
Elevation: 761 feet above sea level
Distance from the Marine Coast: 408.68 miles
Rainshadow Effect: On the windward side of the Valley
Ground Cover: 95%

Water Features

  • Salinity: fresh
  • Depth: 33 feet
  • Width: 390 feet
  • Navigable: Yes
  • Aquatic Animals: Catfish and Clams

Natural Resources


  • Metamorphic: Gneiss
  • Sedimentary: Limestone and Sandstone


  • Metals: Cinnabar


  • Cool Seasons: Wheat, Buckwheat, and Quinoa
  • Food: Wheat, Buckwheat, and Quinoa


  • Root: Potato
  • Marrow: Pumpkin
  • Cruciferous: Brussel Sprout

Utility Crops

  • Oil: Linseed
Founding Date
Alternative Name(s)
Horn on the River
Large city
Related Ethnicities
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization
Related Tradition (Primary)
Characters in Location

Articles under Jiaohai


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