Sowa (so˧-wɛ˥)

Sowā is a unique village now under the jurisdiction of the New Jiao Empire. The village is known for its beautiful vistas and rice fields, but what truly sets it apart is its bureaucratic meritocracy. The village is administered by a king, but the daily government is a meritocracy, with examinations held every three years to determine a citizen's aptitude for governmental functions and duties. This system has resulted in a population with a higher than average intelligence.   The New Jiao Empire, under which Sowā now falls, is governed by the Emperor and his council of advisors. The laws of the Empire are documented in a series of scrolls known as the "Imperial Codex", stored in the Imperial Library in the capital city of Jiaohai. The enforcement of these laws is the responsibility of the Imperial Guard, a highly trained force of soldiers and Magic users who serve the Emperor. Despite the strict enforcement of the law, the New Jiao Empire recognizes the importance of justice and fairness, allowing for trials where the accused can defend themselves.   The bureaucratic system in Sowā allows the village to control a vast amount of farmland and an important place along the river. The current king, realizing he controlled a territory that was large and difficult to manage from the small village he lived in with the other noble land-owning families, decided that no longer would the kingdom suffer from misplaced decrees, spelling errors in the favor of bandits, or grain-tax gone uncollected. A strict bureaucratic style was soon developed and has been in place for 50 years.   The concept of the Superior Person arose from the early months of the bureaucracy. The idea that the ideal bureaucrat would understand both "Heaven and Tradition" as well as be educated, cultured, refined, and above all lead by example. The early folks who claimed to embody this ideal called themselves the Mandarinate, and included many wealthy families and family members of the king. This group is still a large portion of today's Bureaucracy.   With the integration of Sowā into the New Jiao Empire, the village has seen an evolution in its legal system. The laws of the Empire now apply to Sowā, and the Imperial Guard is responsible for maintaining order and enforcing these laws. Despite these changes, the village maintains its unique bureaucratic system, continuing to hold examinations every three years to determine the aptitude of its citizens for governmental functions and duties.   Sowā is a testament to the balance between local governance and imperial rule, between the power of the Emperor and the rights of the people. It is a reminder that in the New Jiao Empire, justice is not just a concept, but a living, evolving entity that adapts to the needs of its people.


The settlement of Sowā is home to a total population of 489 individuals, primarily of the Human race. The population is divided into various categories, including children (132), adults (313), the elderly (44), and the ill or infirm (52). There is also a single known criminal within the settlement. The majority of the population resides within the urban area (419), with a smaller portion living in the rural outskirts (70).   The inhabitants of Sowā are known for their wary and curious nature. This is likely due to the unique bureaucratic meritocracy that governs the settlement, which holds examinations every three years to determine a citizen's aptitude for governmental functions and duties. This system has resulted in a population with a higher than average intelligence.   The demographics of Sowā are also influenced by the settlement's unique social structure. The concept of the "Superior Person" has led to the formation of the Mandarinate, a group that includes many wealthy families and family members of the king. This group represents a significant portion of the bureaucracy and has a significant influence on the settlement's demographics.   The population of Sowā is diverse in terms of occupation. Many are bureaucratic officials, while others are wealthy land-owning nobles. There are also farmers who work the land for the wealthy villagers and guards who protect the village and farms from monsters and bandits. Adventurers from this village tend to favor martial classes.


Under the New Jiao Empire, the governance of Sowa has seen a significant transformation. The village, once administered by a king, is now overseen by a minister appointed by the Emperor. The bureaucratic meritocracy of Sowa, however, remains intact, with examinations held every three years to determine a citizen's aptitude for governmental functions and duties. This unique blend of local governance and imperial rule has created a system that respects the traditions of Sowa while aligning it with the broader legal and administrative framework of the New Jiao Empire.   Dancing Phoenix, a prominent figure from Sowa, has moved to the capital city of Jiaohai and serves as an important advisor for the treasury. His influence has led to the imperial adoption of paper money, a significant shift in the Empire's economic system. Furthermore, his advocacy for strict examinations for government roles has reinforced the meritocratic principles of Sowa at the imperial level.   The current minister in charge of Sowa is Minister Li Wei. Born and raised in Sowa, Li Wei was a top scholar who consistently excelled in the triennial examinations. His sharp intellect, coupled with a deep understanding of both local and imperial laws, caught the attention of Dancing Phoenix during one of his visits to Sowa. Impressed by Li Wei's potential, Dancing Phoenix recommended him to the Emperor.   Recognizing the need for a leader who could bridge the gap between Sowa's traditions and the New Jiao Empire's laws, the Emperor appointed Li Wei as the minister of Sowa. His appointment was well-received by the locals, who saw in him a leader who understood their way of life and could represent their interests at the imperial court.   As minister, Li Wei has worked diligently to ensure the smooth integration of Sowa into the New Jiao Empire. He has maintained the village's bureaucratic system while aligning it with the Empire's legal framework. His leadership has been instrumental in preserving the unique identity of Sowa while fostering a sense of unity and belonging within the New Jiao Empire.


Sowā's defenses are primarily natural, with the village's strategic location playing a significant role in its security. The settlement is nestled within a box canyon, with hills on one side and a river on the other, creating a natural fortress that is difficult for potential invaders to penetrate. The butte, a solitary hill with steep sides and a flat top, provides an excellent vantage point for spotting incoming threats from a distance.   The river, in addition to being a vital source of irrigation and transportation, also serves as a natural barrier against potential threats. Its width and depth make it a formidable obstacle for any force attempting to cross it without proper preparation. The aquatic life in the river, particularly the trout and smelt, could also be used as a source of sustenance during times of siege, further enhancing the river's role in the village's defenses.   The terraced rice paddies that line the river valley and the hills around the city also contribute to the village's defenses. The terraces, with their steep slopes and slippery surfaces, can be difficult to navigate for unfamiliar invaders, providing the villagers with a home-field advantage during any potential conflict.   In addition to these natural defenses, the villagers themselves form an integral part of Sowā's defense strategy. The village's population includes guards who protect the village and farms from monsters and bandits. These guards, along with the bureaucratic officials and land-owning nobles, form a well-organized and disciplined force that is ready to defend their home.   Despite the lack of traditional defensive structures such as walls, Sowā's natural defenses and the vigilance of its inhabitants make it a well-protected settlement. The village's strategic location, combined with the natural barriers and the readiness of its people, ensure that Sowā is well-prepared to face any threats that may come its way.


The infrastructure of Sowā is a testament to the village's harmonious coexistence with nature and its strategic utilization of the surrounding geography. The village is nestled in a river valley, with the river serving as a lifeline for the settlement. The river is fresh, navigable, and teeming with aquatic life such as trout and smelt, making it a vital source of food and transportation.   The primary mode of irrigation in Sowā is surge irrigation, a method that is particularly effective for the terraced rice paddies that line the river valley and the hills around the city. These terraces are a remarkable sight, cascading down the slopes in a series of steps. They are a testament to the villagers' ingenuity and their ability to adapt to the hilly terrain. The terraces not only provide a reliable source of food in the form of rice but also contribute to the stunning vistas that the village is known for.   The village's road construction primarily consists of cobblestone roads, providing a robust and durable means of transportation within the settlement. The roads are well-maintained, ensuring smooth travel for the villagers and visitors alike.   Despite the village's size, it controls a vast amount of farmland, thanks to a rigidly administered bureaucracy. This efficient system of governance has allowed Sowā to manage its territory effectively, ensuring that resources are allocated appropriately and that the village's infrastructure is well-maintained.   The village's architecture is primarily stone, with timber frame and wooden structures also common. The buildings are tastefully designed, although cleanliness is an area that could use improvement. The village's only district is a bridge district, which is well-appointed and maintained.   In terms of defenses, Sowā relies on its natural surroundings. The hills, river, box canyon, and butte provide natural barriers that protect the village from potential threats.

Points of interest

Sowā is surrounded by a variety of natural features that serve as points of interest, each with its unique allure and significance.   Héxiāng Jiǎngōng (Box Canyon): To the northeast of the village, the Héxiāng Jiǎngōng, or "Box Canyon of the Echoing River," is a natural wonder that offers breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape. Its steep walls and narrow passages echo with the sound of the nearby river, creating a serene and awe-inspiring atmosphere. The canyon also serves as a natural defense for the village, making it a strategic point of interest.   Gǔchuan Yíjī (Ancient Shipwreck): South of the village, along the riverbank, lies the Gǔchuan Yíjī, or "Ancient Shipwreck Relic." This relic of the past is a silent testament to the maritime history of the region. It's a site of archaeological interest, potentially holding artifacts and treasures from a bygone era. The shipwreck also serves as a poignant reminder of the river's power and unpredictability.   Dúlǐ Shānqǔ (Butte): Southeast of Sowā, the Dúlǐ Shānqǔ, or "Solitary Mountain Valley," is a solitary hill with steep sides and a flat top. It provides an excellent vantage point for observing the surrounding landscape and is a popular spot for birdwatchers and nature enthusiasts. The butte's strategic location also makes it an important part of the village's natural defenses.   Mófǎ Shùlín (Enchanted Grove): To the south of the village, the Mófǎ Shùlín, or "Magical Forest," is a tranquil spot teeming with local flora and fauna. The grove is a haven for nature lovers and those seeking a quiet retreat from village life. Local folklore may also imbue this grove with mystical or spiritual significance, making it a place of interest for those curious about local traditions and beliefs.   Jùlóng Huǎshí (Giant Dragon Fossil): To the west of the village, the Jùlóng Huǎshí, or "Giant Dragon Fossil," offers a glimpse into the region's prehistoric past. This fossil of a Tarrasque, a legendary creature often likened to a dragon, is a source of local pride and scientific interest, attracting researchers and curious visitors alike.   These points of interest not only enhance the natural beauty surrounding Sowā but also contribute to the village's cultural and historical richness. They offer unique opportunities for exploration and learning, making Sowā a fascinating place to live and visit. For the most beautiful vistas and experiences, a journey from the echoing tranquility of Héxiāng Jiǎngōng, through the historical intrigue of Gǔchuan Yíjī, to the panoramic views from Dúlǐ Shānqǔ, and finally to the mystical serenity of Mófǎ Shùlín, ending with the awe-inspiring sight of Jùlóng Huǎshí, would be an unforgettable journey.


In my travels across the multiverse, I've tasted the delicacies of countless worlds, each with its unique flavor and charm. But the barbecue of Sowā, ah, it's a culinary experience like no other. The succulent meat, slow-cooked to perfection, infused with a blend of spices that dance on your tongue, it's a symphony of flavors that sings to your soul. But it's not just about the taste. It's about the tradition, the craftsmanship, the love that goes into each dish. It's about the warm smiles of the villagers as they share their food, their stories, their culture. It's about the sublime joy of a shared meal, a shared experience, a shared moment. So, to those seeking not just food, but an experience, a memory, a story to tell, I say: seek the barbecue of Sowā. For in its smoky aroma, its rich flavors, its communal warmth, you'll find not just a meal, but a slice of life, a taste of the world, a moment of sublime joy. And isn't that what travel is all about?
— a traveler



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