Ua'Ath Arjibaliv
Family of Arjibaliv
“Well this was a long way back, nigh on two and a half centuries ago… I was just a wee lad back then, mind you, not the distinguished, entrepreneurial Gnome you see standing before you! Well there I was in the royal kitchen - my elven parents, the Arjibalivs - you’ve heard of them, haven’t you? Makers of the finest waspberry jam in Myth Chokurri! You’ll have to try some if you haven’t… Anyway! Where was I? Waspberry jam… Arjibalivs… ah yes! The royal kitchen! So there I was in the royal kitchen - the Arjibalivs were the royal bakers, you see - and was left unsupervised while they went out to procure ingredients for the coming feast celebrating the completion of Fralloywri Glenthal’s latest commission. Unsupervised and left in the presence of all kinds of biscuits, jam, pastries, cakes, and all other manner of baked goods I at the time had yet to be acquainted with. And acquaint myself I did! Early start to the feast, let me tell you! I had just decided to stop wasting napkins wiping my mouth after each bite when who should walk in but the palace servants! Of course, non-elves - N’Tel’Quess or not - aren’t allowed in the royal palace without an escort, so you can imagine how that went! ‘Who are you!’ they demanded, so I obliged them: ‘I’m Brambleburke Barihar Bluebutton Rostigol (it was at this point they started to regret asking, and one went to fetch a guard) Stumbleduck Snozberry Shacklefrack N’Tel’Quess (now the guards arrived just in time for me to finish) Ath Arjibaliv is my name!’ And you you should seen the look on the guards’ faces! ‘Of course Ath Arjibaliv belongs in the kitchen, here!’ they said, and ‘Quit distracting us with this nonsense!’ So I avoided trouble with the palace guard… but that didn’t get me out of trouble when my folks returned! But that’s another story for another day…” - Brambleburke Shacklefrack