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The cursed and blighted lands of Rondo are not kind to any living creature, but Aasimar, in particular, face a unique set of challenges in this realm of chaos, treachery, and darkness. Known as the descendants of celestial beings, Aasimar are a planar touched race that possesses radiant auras and the ability to heal others. These traits would be considered a blessing in other realms, but in Rondo, it only serves to make them targets of jealousy, hatred, and exploitation.
In the Trivin Empire, Aasimar live within human populations but are often held captive in virtual prisons or brutally killed in fits of jealous rage. Their ethereal beauty and divine abilities make them revered as holy and special, but this reverence takes a dark turn as they are stripped of their freedom and treated as little more than possessions. This grim reality drives many Aasimar to seek refuge in the wasteland or strive to become powerful enough to resist being controlled.

  While other planar touched races, such as the Kenku, Genasi, Gnomes, and Halflings, have found varying degrees of protection and acceptance within the Trivin Empire, Aasimar are not afforded the same luxury. Their celestial heritage and unique abilities make them highly sought after, but their conspicuous appearance often hinders their ability to blend in and avoid detection.

  Despite the hardships they face, there are some who have managed to escape the clutches of their oppressors and find a semblance of freedom.
Genetic Ancestor(s)


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