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The Seven Remaining Hells

The Nine Hells

0 BGC 450 AGC

  • Creation
    World Creation
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The world was created, the who and how is massively debated upon but to most people, it just happened and there are the much more important things to consider like “who should I attack “ or “who’s going to attack me next?”

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  • Eldritch War
    Eldritch Encounter
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The Pantheons all fought against the "original inhabitants" of the dark in which Rondo Was created.

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  • 400 NH

    The Hendraxus Heracy
    Disaster / Destruction

    Giant demonic incursion that ravaged the land not much is recorded at that time but it was a time of great evil. There are many remnants from this time, fragments of demonic essence permeate the lands still. It was a time of Evil, Demons walked the land, devils ran amok and darkness ensued. it was a time of Peril and pain. but from it rose the Unbreakable Alliance.

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  • Divine Invasion
    The Godly War
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The godly war is not spoken of much, no mortal got involved as they were focused on the Hendraxus Heracy, but the gods did not like the Circle's power play so they got involved in a dramatic way.

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    Fallen Pantheons
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The Seven Hells

451 AGC 6000 AGC

  • 650 SH

    1 /11

    Great Calamity
    Life, Supernatural

    The Great Calamity was a great catastrophe that had massive consequences for the entire World.

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