Aella, Goddess of Fate Character in Rubrik | World Anvil
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Aella, Goddess of Fate

Aella, the goddess of fate, is a powerful entity from the Otherworld that resides within the God's Domain. She is a mysterious figure who is not widely worshipped, but those who do are said to be granted significant powers in changing and altering fate. Theodore Granger is one of her most devout followers, known as Bishop, he is a vigilante who uses his powers to intervene in the fate of others. Despite her limited number of worshipers, Aella's powers are said to be far-reaching, influencing the lives of all beings. Some believe that she alone holds the threads of fate and has the power to shape the destiny of the world.

Divine Domains

As the goddess of fate, Aella has the power to manipulate and alter the fates of individuals and events, potentially granting them good or bad luck. This ability manifests as having a powerful intuition or foresight, being able to see the outcomes of events before they occur, and being able to shape them as desired.

Holy Books & Codes

The Coin of Fate, Aella's holy symbol


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