Theodore Granger Character in Rubrik | World Anvil
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Theodore Granger

(a.k.a. Bishop)


  Theodore Granger's life was marked by tragedy from an early age. When he was just a toddler, his father passed away due to overwork from his employer, with no justice served. His mother soon abandoned him at an orphanage, where he became friends with a fellow orphan named Sebastian.   When Theodore was around 16, he and Sebastian left the orphanage and attempted to find honest work, but with no connections or experience, they were unable to secure anything permanent. Desperate for means, they eventually turned to crime, starting with small-scale pickpocketing and shoplifting. Over time, their crimes became more organized and sophisticated.   Theodore worked closely with a few different people but always had Sebastian by his side. One night, they were on a job to burglarize a wealthy household in a wealthy neighborhood when they were spotted. They were forced to fight for their freedom, and Theodore ended up killing a couple of guards, one of whom was a former orphan he had grown up with. The guilt was overwhelming, and Theodore surrendered while Sebastian fled. Theodore never saw his childhood friend and partner in crime again.   He was arrested and sentenced to death row at Ashington Palace, where he remained for three years due to the dysfunction in the city.


  While serving his time in prison, Theodore discovered the goddess Aella through The Fated Scripture. According to the scripture, Aella selects worthy individuals to become her worshipers and bestows upon them her powers. During his time on death row, Theodore became engrossed in the scripture and devoted himself to studying it with all his spare time. He became captivated by the concept of fate and believed that the only way to atone for his past mistakes was to serve as a judge for others.   As fate would have it, on the eve of his execution, Theodore found a way to escape Ashington Palace, along with his newly found companions, Echo on the Wind, Orrin Durinmec, and Loren Turner, who were also sentenced to die the following morning.   Upon their escaping, Theodore began to devote his life to Aella, and became the vigilante known as Bishop.
Theodore Granger as Bishop
Current Status
Fighting baddies and injustice as the vigilante Bishop
Date of Birth
11 EoT


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