Mark of the Beast Condition in Rubrik | World Anvil
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Mark of the Beast

The Mark of the Beast is a curse that affects the people of spreiling heritage. It began during the years of the Era of the Beast. This was due to the ancestors of the Spreiling Court of Gloam killing and using the blood and bodies of the magickal beasts that surrounded The Spreiwald.  

Power & Price

Magick was never granted to the people of the Spreiwald who killed the beasts of old. It was taken. The people sought power and took it, and the cosmos demanded a price. Normally, a price is given to a singular person who obtains magick, but this cost, this curse, was given to an entire people. The cost, the Mark of the Beast, still affects the descendants of those who killed the beasts even centuries later.


A person cursed with the Mark of the Beast will begin to grow fur, feathers, and other animal characteristics during childhood. This can be minor as to be hidden in certain cases, or very extreme with feathers and fur covering the entire body.


In extremely rare cases, one who has been cursed with the Mark of the Beast may display and develop increased animalistic tendencies. This may range from increased hunger, predator/prey dynamics, to in some rare cases, heightened and uncontrollable rage. These rare few are typically seen amongst those with Spreiling heritage or ethnicity. Those who display these tendencies are known as Lycan and tend to be shunned and or hunted.


There is no known cure for the Mark of the Beast

Cultural Reception

Most people who are cursed with the Mark of the Beast are looked down upon, as they are different. Some are met with indifference depending on their location. The Spreiling Court of Gloam openly accepts those cursed into their court, as many of them are cursed as well.


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