The Spreiwald Organization in Rubrik | World Anvil
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The Spreiwald

The Spreiwald is a cold and frigid region to the north. It is home to the Spreiling's, a tall and slender people, whose politics are as fierce as their homeland. The Spreiling political structure is split between to parties or courts, the Spreiling Court of Radiance and the Spreiling Court of Gloam.

Class Disparity
The Spreiling Court of Radiance ruled over the Spreiwald for thousands of years without any direct competition. Over time this led to a wide-spread class disparity between the nobles of the Radiant Court and the serfs and common folk they ruled. Tensions rose over the generations, whispers began to be heard, and during the early years of the Era of Magick, a new court was established. The Spreiling Court of Gloam rose through hardships and despair, lifting the serfs and common-folk with them. Though it was still many years until the Radiant Court were forced to recognize them as a legitimate political threat.


The Spreiling Courts

The Spreiwald is ruled by a Felruesste or Faekirsse (King or Queen) alongside their Court, a body of advisors, seers, and allies to oversee all aspects of the government body. The Fel or Fae is an elected monarch, with their word being law. The Court is mainly chosen by the monarch, though there are several positions that are voted in by the people. The Court has checks and balances to help maintain a unified government and disallow the monarch to have absolute power.

The Court of Radiance

The Court of Radiance ruled the Spreiwald for generations without any direct competition. They ruled with absolution and fear, keeping the common-folk oppressed for hundreds of years. Though they are not currently in power over the Spreiwald, the Radiant Court is still ruled by a hereditary monarch, in contrast to an elected monarch of the Gloaming Court.   The Radiant Court was named after their religious beliefs in the sun god, Soltyr, who was the prominent deity of worship during the Era of the Beast. This changed in the latter years of the era, as missionaries from the Church of the Prevailing Man visited the Spreiwald in an attempt to spread their religion to other countries. Fel Ottokar, the ruler at the time, was open to these visitors and allowed them to preach and even establish a church in the capitol of Vohenhaldr, much to the dismay of many members of the Court, he began to greatly fall out of favor around this time.  

The Court of Gloam

The Gloaming Court was established due to the great oppression of the Radiant Court. This court was created by and for the common-folk of the Spreiwald during the early years of the Era of Magick. The Gloaming Court is known for its reorganization and differing views on politics. As they were established from the common-working class, the Gloaming Court has no hereditary or noble monarch. Instead they have an elected monarch, that is chosen amongst the Court and rules until their death. They have been very open and welcoming of magick users and openly accept those that bare the Mark of the Beast.     The Gloaming Court was named after the god and goddess Braetyr and Hellyr, and the twin moons they represent.


The Era of the Beast

During the The Era of the Beast, the Spreiwald was ruled in absolution by the The Spreiling Court of Radiance. The Spreiling Court of Gloam did not come about until the end of the era, forming as a result of the oppression by the Court of Radiance.   Magickal beasts roamed the snow covered landscapes of the Spreiwald, particularly in the Felwald, near the capital of Vohenhaldr. For generations they roamed, unabated, striking fear into all who lived within their midst, until one person was able to kill one of these unique beasts. In 1322 EoB, a Spreiling by the name of Audr, was the first person to hunt and kill a beast in the Felwald. Rumors persist on the origins of this Audr. Some claim them to be a noble of the Radiant Court, while there are those who claim them to be nothing more than a hunter or farmer. In any case, the Fel at the time brought them to their court and bestowed upon them the title of Tierjagr, the first Beast Hunter.    

The Era of Magick

In 354 EoM, the The Spreiling Courts of Radiance and Gloam go to war over the throne. The Radiant Court loses the war and they are forced to immigrate to the country of Scalmoore.    

The Era of Technology

In 41 EoT, The Spreiling Court of Radiance faces turmoil in Scalmoore. After years of disagreements, the Felruesste and Faekirsse had reached an agreement with the The Spreiling Court of Gloam, to wed their daughter, the Faeling Eleonore d'Everhart, to the Gloaming Court's Felling, ensuring their safety and passage back home to the Spreiwald. A private investigator named Eli Dillinger was responsible for finding and returning the Princess to the Court. Though he did find her, he never returned her to her parents. As a result, she and members of the Secessionist Party seceded from the Court of Radiance and formed their own Court, the Spreiling Court of the Raven. Tensions are slowly rising yet again for the Radiant Court, as they are still no longer able to return to the Spreiwald, and face enemies in the Raven Court.
Felwald in the Spreiwald
Geopolitical, Country
Ruling Organization
Government System
Monarchy, Elective
Related Ethnicities


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