Msia Character in Rubrik | World Anvil
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Msia (Me-shuh)

Msia was born and raised in central Soweto during the Era of Magick. He was raised within a small tribe.   As a young man, Msia embarked on his Sahwetu Safar, as all young men and women from his tribe did. Msia traveled south far past the savanahs of his home tribe. One fateful day, he encountered a legendary lion which injured him greatly. He traveled as far as he could before he collapsed, close to death.   Msia was rescued by the great Njeri tribe of the Njeru Expanse, the canyon system that connects Soweto and Balidan. Msia stayed with the Njeri tribe for almost a year before continuing his journey to Balidan.   Eventually, Msia crossed paths with Haroom Aharon, who hired him as a warrior and bodyguard for his family.   At the beginning of the War of Purification, Msia was tasked by Haroom to protect Jannik Servaas, a Melech boy and ward to Haroom. He was forced to intervene when Jannik and his companions encountered Saint Celestine V in Anitopolis. Msia was able to distract the Knights long enough for the party to escape unharmed.
Date of Birth
31 EoM
Date of Death
119 EoM
1461 AB 1549 AB 88 years old


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