War of Purification Military Conflict in Rubrik | World Anvil
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War of Purification

The War of Purification was a devastating conflict that erupted when the fanatical inquisitorial faction known as the Order of the Knights of Temperance invaded the magick-rich land of Balidan. The Church of the Prevailing Man believed that magick was a tool of the Otherworld and a violation of the Tenet of Man. They sought to eradicate it from the land by any means necessary, including brutal violence and executions.

The Conflict


When the War of Purification actually erupted into full-scale violence is up for debate, but the beginnings were felt in 50 EoM when Saint Celestine V traveled from Scalmoore to Balidan to attempt to locate a former Knight of their order who had betrayed them, to bring him back to Grimsgate to stand trial. Alongside this former knight were his companions, Bakari Okot, Roscoe 'Red' Callahan, Andrew Henlien, and Jannik Servaas. Several members of this party were kasters and Saint Celestine attempted to execute them for heresy.

Conflict Type
Start Date
50 EoM
Ending Date
105 EoM


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