The Free State of Brisdon Organization in Rubrik | World Anvil
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The Free State of Brisdon

The Free State of Brisdon also formely known as Rumera is a region to the southeast of Scalmoore. It is characterized by its hot and humid climate, swamps, and bayous. It is home to a rebellious people who seceded from the nearby country of Scalmoore, and have a history of piracy. The government is a freeport system, ruled by a council of former rebellious princes who left Scalmoore due to high taxes and levies imposed by the Emperor Maximillian Lysander.   Brisdon is a major trade hub and has a strong merchant class. Its diversity is due to its trade connections with the rest of the world. Brisdon is known for its tolerance and acceptance of all people, including those who use magick.


Brisdon and Scalmoore have a tense relationship due to the failed coup attempt by the princes and the subsequent sentencing of death, marking them as outlaws. The preceding conflict, known as The Trade War, was fought both physically and economically, with Scalmoore trying to isolate Brisdon via blockades and embargoes, and Brisdon relying on piracy, sabotage, and guerrilla tactics to fend off Scalmoore.   The Trade War was further complicated by the power dynamics between the Emperor and Empress of Scalmoore, and the personal motives of Prince Alexander Whitlocke, who was a key player in the war and a spurned lover of Empress Lysander.

Founding Date
240 EoM (1670)
Geopolitical, Principality
Alternative Names
Neighboring Nations

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