The Trade War Military Conflict in Rubrik | World Anvil
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The Trade War

The Trade War was a conflict between The Free State of Brisdon and the nearby country of Scalmoore. It began after a group of princes, led by Prince Alexander Whitlocke, attempted to overthrow the Scal Empire, but failed and were subsequently sentenced to death and marked as outlaws. This led them to secede and establish The Free State of Brisdon.   Scalmoore, under the leadership of Emperor Maximillian and Empress Octavia Lysander, put diplomatic pressure on Brisdon by trying to isolate it through blockades and embargoes. In response, Brisdon relied on piracy, sabotage, and guerrilla tactics to fend off Scalmoore. The war was fought both physically and economically, with both sides using different tactics to gain the upper hand.   The war was further complicated by the personal motivations of Prince Alexander who was a spurned lover of Empress Lysander and a key player in the war. The Trade War was a complex and nuanced conflict, with shifting alliances, hidden motives and many different factors at play. It has ended but the after effects of this war can still be felt in the current state of Brisdon and Scalmoore.
Included Conflicts
Conflict Type
Start Date
250 EoM
Ending Date
255 EoM

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