The Lunar Order Organization in Rubrik | World Anvil
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The Lunar Order

The cult of Braetyr and Hellyr is centered around the worship of the twin moon gods, who are believed to be the eternal guardians of the night sky and the bringers of change and balance to the world. Followers of this religion believe that Braetyr and Hellyr are responsible for the phases of the moon and the tides, and that they have the power to influence Human emotions and behaviors.

The cult has a complex set of rituals and beliefs that revolve around the worship of the moon gods. Followers are expected to observe certain lunar holidays and festivals, such as the Festival of Faces, and to make offerings to the gods on these occasions. They may also be required to follow certain dietary and lifestyle restrictions, such as abstaining from certain foods or activities during certain phases of the moon.   The cult is typically led by a high priest or priestess, who is responsible for interpreting the will of the gods and leading the faithful in their worship. Members of the cult may be required to undergo initiations and other rites of passage in order to advance within the ranks of the organization.   In general, the cult of Braetyr and Hellyr is seen as a secretive and mysterious organization, with a strong emphasis on tradition and adherence to the old ways. Followers believe that by worshipping the twin moon gods and living in accordance with their teachings, they can achieve balance and harmony in their own lives and in the world at large.   The first members of the Order were common-folk in The Spreiwald during the Era of the Beast who would later go on to form the Spreiling Court of Gloam

"We are the children of the moon."

Religious, Cult
Moon Children


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